
Ansible Role: Docker Ansible Role GitHub tag (latest SemVer) Ansible Role Ansible Role Pipeline status

Install Docker and optionally docker-compose and the Python docker library.

Role Variables

General options

  • docker_install: Install Docker runtime. Defaults to true.
  • docker_install_compose: Install docker-compose. Defaults to false.
  • docker_install_python_library: Install docker python library. Defaults to false.
  • docker_package: Name of the Docker package to install. Defaults to the appropriate system package.
  • docker_pip_package: Name of the pip package to install. Defaults to the appropriate system package.

Service options

  • docker_service_enabled: Whether Docker should be enabled after restarted. Defaults to true.
  • docker_service_state: State for the Docker service after installation. Defaults to started.

Docker system prune

Automatically run docker system prune, so the system does not get cluttered with old images and containers.

  • docker_prune_period: Filter docker system prune to images older than this variable. Defaults to 24h.
  • docker_system_prune: Whether to automatically run docker system prune. Defaults to true.

Docker users

  • docker_users: List of users that should be part of the docker group (thus able to control it). Defaults to [].

Daemon options

  • docker_daemon_options: Dictionary of options to add to daemon.json. Defaults to {}.

Deprecated role options

Usage of these is discouraged.

  • docker_enable_metrics: Enable Prometheus metrics endpoint. Defaults to false.
  • docker_log_drive: Docker logging driver. Defaults to json-file (Docker default).
  • docker_log_opts: Additional logging options. Pass as dictionary of Docker log-opts.
  • docker_metrics_host: Host for Prometheus metrics. Defaults to

Example Playbook

- hosts: all
     - radek_sprta.docker



Author Information

Radek Sprta


A role to install Docker, docker-compose and the python library.

ansible-galaxy install radek-sprta/ansible-role-docker
GitHub repository