
RaBe Ansible Role Motion

This Role helps install and configure a motion setup.

Is should be useful as regular role but is also container enabled since it has about the right surface for it to help us figure out if containers are going anywhere soon in some of the use cases motion offers.

The role follows the SemVer 2 spec.

Adds a motion service to your Ansible Container project. Run the following commands to install the service:

# Set the working directory to your Ansible Container project root
$ cd myproject

# Install the service
$ ansible-container install <USERNAME.ROLE_NAME>


  • Distro package manager prepared to install motion package.
  • Ansible Container (optional)
  • An existing Ansible Container project. To create a project, simply run the following:
    # Create an empty project directory
    $ mkdir myproject
    # Set the working directory to the new directory
    $ cd myproject
    # Initialize the project
    $ ansible-contiainer init

Role Variables

Motion has lots of templatable variables. Only the most important are mentioned here. Please check the defaults for a complete listing of configurable variables.

variable required default comments
motion_preflight no yes Set to no to disable preflight checking
motion_install no yes Set to no to disable installation of package
motion_package_name no motion
motion_configure no yes Set to no to disable configuration of motion package
motion_config_dir no /etc/motion
motion_config_file no /etc/motion/motion.conf
motion_logfile no
motion_log_level no 6
motion_log_type no all
motion_videodevice no /dev/video0
motion_v4l_palette no 17
motion_input no 1
motion_width no 320
motion_height no 240
motion_framerate no 2
motion_cameras no [] Configuration for multiple cameras.

Camera variables

multi-camera setup TBD

variable required default comments
- name: camera 1


A list of other roles hosted on Galaxy should go here, plus any details in regards to parameters that may need to be set for other roles, or variables that are used from other roles.



Author Information

Copyright (c) 2018 Radio Bern RaBe.


Motion video monitoring

ansible-galaxy install radiorabe/ansible-role-motion
GitHub repository