
Ansible Atlassian BambooAgent install DMG role

Installs the content of a DMG file onto a remote target (OSX only).

This is currently a role, but it should rather be a complex command. This role

  • copies a DMG file to the host
  • transforms it if needed to make automation possible (for instance some DMG require manual inputs: the mentioned transformation remove the manual steps)
  • mount it to a temporary folder
  • run a command for the installation
  • un-mounts and delete any intermediate file (eg. the transformed DMG)


No particular requirement apart from running on an OSX target machine.

Role Variables

variable default meaning
dmg_to_install required the DMG file to install. This is actually a dictionary indicating the installation options.

dmg_to_install format

The dmg_to_install is a dictionary containing the following fields

field default meaning
file required Points to the DMG file.
install_cmd required The command that should be run on the remote after the DMG has been properly mounted.
remove_interactive False Indicates if the original DMG should be modified in order to remove some interactive required inputs.
local_folder /tmp The folder on the remote where the DMG is copied. Intermediate DMGs are also created there.
remote_src False if True, the DMG is already on the remote and is not copied from the controller.
remove_after_install True if False, the original DMG is not deleted after install. The intermediate DMGs are always deleted.

During the installation, the ${mount} variable is replaced with the actual mount location of the DMG content (see example below).


No additional dependency.

Example Playbook

The following example installs the XCode command line tools:

# Installs OSX command line tools
# fixes the paths on the fly
- role: ansible-atlassian-bambooagent-install-dmg-role
    - "{{ bamboo_xcode }}"
    - ansible_distribution == "MacOSX"
    - xcode_version_installed | version_compare('%d.%d' % (bamboo_xcode.version.major, bamboo_xcode.version.minor), '<')

and the bamboo_xcode variable contains the following:

  file: 'commandlinetoolsosx10.10forxcode6.3.2.dmg'
  install_cmd: 'installer -allowUntrusted -dumplog -pkg "${mount}/Command Line Tools (OS X 10.10).pkg" -target /'
  remove_interactive: False
    major: 6
    minor: 3
    patch: 2

The ${mount} variable is expanded to the actual mount location (random folder). The bamboo_xcode.version is not related to the DMG role directly (but rather on the ansible condition of the above dmg_to_install command).



Author Information

Any comments on the Ansible, PR or bug reports are welcome from the corresponding Github project.


Helper role for installing a DMG on a remote target

ansible-galaxy install raffienficiaud/ansible-atlassian-bambooagent-install-dmg-role
GitHub repository
ML Engineer, computer vision and C++/Python addict. Open source advocate. Atlassian enthusiast