Ansible role - Nginx server
This role installs and configures the nginx web server. The user can specify any http configuration parameters they wish to apply their site. Any number of sites can be added with configurations of your choice.
This role supports letsencrypt SSL for easy installation of https webservers
This role requires Ansible 1.4 or higher and platform requirements are listed in the metadata file.
Role Variables
The variables that can be passed to this role and a brief description about them are as follows.
# Force creation of nginx.conf. Normally, nginx.conf is only written if it does not exist.
# If this parameter is true, it will override the current nginx.conf
create_nginx_conf: true
# The max clients allowed
nginx_max_clients: 512
# A hash of the http paramters. Note that any
# valid nginx http paramters can be added here.
# (see the nginx documentation for details.)
sendfile: "on"
tcp_nopush: "on"
tcp_nodelay: "on"
keepalive_timeout: "65"
access_log: "/var/log/nginx/access.log"
error_log: "/var/log/nginx/error.log"
# A list of hashs that define the servers for nginx,
# as with http parameters. Any valid server parameters
# can be defined here.
- file_name: foo
listen: 8080
server_name: localhost
root: "/tmp/site1"
supplier: "local"
local_keystore_dir: "{{ playbook_dir }}/files/"
key: "ssl.key"
certificate: "ssl_chain.pem"
- name: /
- "try_files: $uri $uri/ /index.html"
- name: /images/
- "try_files: $uri $uri/ /index.html"
- "return 301 https://$http_host$request_uri;"
- file_name: bar
listen: 9090
server_name: ansible
root: "/tmp/site2"
- name: /
- "try_files: $uri $uri/ /index.html"
- name: /images/
- "try_files: $uri $uri/ /index.html"
Install nginx with HTTP directives of choices, but with no sites configured:
- hosts: all
- {role: nginx, create_nginx_conf: true, nginx_http_params: { sendfile: "on", access_log: "/var/log/nginx/access.log"}, nginx_sites: [] }
- hosts: all
Install nginx with different HTTP directives than previous example, but no sites configured.
- hosts: all
- {role: nginx, create_nginx_conf: true, nginx_http_params: { tcp_nodelay: "on", error_log: "/var/log/nginx/error.log"}, nginx_sites: [] }
- hosts: all
Note: Please make sure the HTTP directives passed are valid, as this role won't check for the validity of the directives. See the nginx documentation for details.
Install nginx and add a site to the configuration.
hosts: all
- { role: nginx, create_nginx_conf: true, nginx_http_params: { tcp_nodelay: "on", error_log: "/var/log/nginx/error.log"}, nginx_sites: [ - file_name: bar, server_name: localhost, listen: 8080, locations: [ - name: /, lines: [ - "try_files: $uri $uri/ /index.html" ] - name: /images/, lines: [ - "try_files: $uri $uri/ /index.html" ] ] ] }
Note: Each site added is represented by list of hashes, and the configurations
generated are populated in /etc/nginx/sites-available/
and have corresponding
symlinks from /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/
The file name for the specific site configuration is specified in the hash with the key "file_name", any valid server directives can be added to hash.
Install Nginx and add 2 sites (different method)
hosts: all
- { role: nginx, create_nginx_conf: true, nginx_http_params: { tcp_nodelay: "on", error_log: "/var/log/nginx/error.log"}, nginx_sites: [ - file_name: bar, server_name: localhost, listen: 8080, locations: [ - name: /, lines: [ - "try_files: $uri $uri/ /index.html" ] - name: /images/, lines: [ - "try_files: $uri $uri/ /index.html" ] ] } - file_name: bar, server_name: ansible, listen: 9090, root: "/tmp/site2", locations: [ - name: /, lines: [ - "try_files: $uri $uri/ /index.html" ] - name: /images/, lines: [ - "try_files: $uri $uri/ /index.html" ] ] }
Add virtual hosts to existing Nginx install (and install optionally Nginx if not installed yet)
hosts: all
- { role: nginx, nginx_sites: [ - file_name: bar, server_name: localhost, listen: 8080, locations: [ - name: /, lines: [ - "try_files: $uri $uri/ /index.html" ] - name: /images/, lines: [ - "try_files: $uri $uri/ /index.html" ] ] } - file_name: bar, server_name: ansible, listen: 9090, root: "/tmp/site2", locations: [ - name: /, lines: [ - "try_files: $uri $uri/ /index.html" ] - name: /images/, lines: [ - "try_files: $uri $uri/ /index.html" ] ] ] }
Note: without the parameter create_nginx_conf: true the role will not overwrite nginx.conf. This option allows to install virtual hosts to an existing nginx installation based on this role, i.e. installation scripts for different services using this role.
Example of an HTTPS server including installation of keys
hosts: all
- { role: nginx, nginx_sites: [ - file_name: bar, server_name: localhost, listen: 8080, ssl: { supplier: "local" local_keystore_dir: "{{ playbook_dir }}/files/", key: localhost.key, certificate: localhost_chain.pem }, locations: [ - name: /, lines: [ - "try_files: $uri $uri/ /index.html" ] - name: /images/, lines: [ - "try_files: $uri $uri/ /index.html" ] ] ] }
Note: the ssl key and cert should be available in the calling project in the directory files.
Example of an HTTPS server including installation of letsencrypt keys
hosts: all
- { role: nginx, nginx_separate_logs_per_site: true, nginx_sites: [ - file_name: bar.ssl, server_name: "", listen: 443, ssl: { supplier: "letsencrypt", domains: [ "", "" ], generate_redirect: true }, locations: [ - name: /, lines: [ - "try_files: $uri $uri/ /index.html" ] - name: /images/, lines: [ - "try_files: $uri $uri/ /index.html" ] ] ] }
The NGINX role provides two handlers:
- reload nginx
- restart nginx
Reloading the nginx configuration offers you the ability to update your webserver without downtime. However, it might occur old processes are not updated. Restart will ensure that the webserver is killed and restarted again and will cause (a short) downtime.
- name: template configuration file
template: src=template.j2 dest=/etc/foo.conf
- restart nginx
Author Information
Repleo, Amstelveen, Holland --
Jeroen Arnoldus (
Original version by:
Benno Joy
Ansible role for installing nginx, including support for SSL, letsencrypt and virtual host deployments
ansible-galaxy install repleo.nginx