

Ansible role for installing and configuring HAProxy for one or more load balanced applications.

This role takes the opinion that rather then caring about configuring frontend and backend servers in HAProxy the user should be careing about configuring load balanced applications. Therefor the use of this role is predicated on that idea where by the user specifies the applciations she or he would like to load balance and let the role take care of figuring out how to configure the frontend and backend servers of HAProxy.


Requirements for this role to funciton.


Packages that must be available for the role to install.

  • haproxy


Services that must be enabled in order for the role to configure them.

  • firewalld

Role Variables

Information about the expected role parameters.

parameter required default choices comments
haproxy_applications yes List of hashes defining applications to load balance


The haproxy_applications parameter is a list of hashes defining the applications to load balance. Each item in the list may contain the following parameters.

parameter required default choices comments
name yes Name of the application. Used in defining frontend and backend servers. Should be descriptive as will show up in HAProxy stats. Must match /a-zA-Z0-9-_/
domain yes FQDN which will resolve to the HAProxy server(s) to then load balance the servers. Can either just be a simple FQDN or a regex statement to match a domain.
domain_is_regex no false true, false true if the given domain is regex, false to treat as plane FQDN.
expose_http no false true, false true to expose this application on http, false to not expose on http.
expose_https no false true, false true to expose this application on https, false to not expose on https.
redirect_http_to_https no false true, false true to automatically redirect http to https, false not to redirect.
servers yes List of hashes defining servers to load balance.


Each element in the haproxy_applications list must contain a servers key which is a list of hashes defining the servers to load balance for the respective application. Each item in the list may contain the following parameters.

parameter required default choices comments
name yes Name used to reference the server. Will be displayed in the HAProxy stats. Must match /a-zA-Z0-9-_/
address yes FQDN or IP of server to load balance.
port_http no 80 Port of server at address to load balance when expose_http is true.
port_https no 443 Port of server at address to load balance when expose_https is true.

Example Playbooks

Load balance Ansible Tower

- name: HAProxy
  hosts: haproxy
    - role: haproxy
        - name: ansible-tower
          domain: tower.example.com
          expose_https: True
          redirect_http_to_https: True
            - name: tower0002
              address: tower0002.example.com
            - name: tower0003
              address: tower0003.example.com
            - name: tower0004
              address: tower0004.example.com

Load balance OpenShift Container Platform (OCP) masters and routers

- name: HAProxy
  hosts: haproxy
    - role: haproxy
        - name: ocp-admin
          domain: ocp.example.com
          expose_https: True
          redirect_http_to_https: True
            - name: ocp0002-master
              address: ocp0002.example.com
            - name: ocp0003-master
              address: ocp0003.example.com
            - name: ocp0004-master
              address: ocp0004.example.com
        - name: ocp-router
          domain: .*.apps.example.com
          domain_is_regex: True
          expose_https: True
          expose_http: True
          redirect_http_to_https: False
            - name: ocp0005-infra
              address: ocp0005.example.com
            - name: ocp0006-infra
              address: ocp0006.example.com
            - name: ocp0007-infra
              address: ocp0007.example.com

Author Information


Ansible role for installing and configuring HAProxy for one or many frontend and backend servers.

ansible-galaxy install rhtconsulting/ansible-role_haproxy
GitHub repository