Install and setup nftables firewall on opensuse Leap. By default, we are also installing nftables-service, so the firewall is up and running with configs from /etc/nftables.conf
Currently supports openSUSE and SLES
No extra requirements needed.
Role Variables
This is an example of how to setup your variables, you can find more
variables in the template nftables.conf.j2
Simple webserver host with a exclusive list of allowed SSH origins:
nft_vars: |
define external_if = "eth0"
define internal_if = "virbr0"
define allowed_ssh_hosts = {, }
nft_filter_input: |
tcp dport 22 saddr $allowed_ssh_hosts accept;
tcp dport 80 accept;
tcp dport 443 accept;
nft_filter_forward: |
ip protocol icmp limit rate 2/second accept;
ip6 nexthdr ipv6-icmp limit rate 2/second accept;
iifname $internal_if oifname $internal_if counter accept;
iifname $internal_if oifname $external_if counter accept;
iifname $external_if oifname $internal_if counter accept;
iifname $internal_if oifname $podman_if counter accept;
iifname $podman_if oifname $external_if counter accept;
iifname $podman_if oifname $internal_if counter accept;
nft_nat_postrouting: |
iifname $internal_if oifname $external_if counter masquerade random,persistent;
iifname $podman_if oifname $external_if counter masquerade random,persistent;
iifname $podman_if oifname $internal_if counter masquerade random,persistent;
Same webserver, but running workloads in podman containers:
nft_vars: |
define external_if = "eth0"
define podman_if = "cni-podman0"
define allowed_ssh_hosts = {, }
nft_filter_input: |
tcp dport 22 saddr $allowed_ssh_hosts accept;
tcp dport 80 accept;
tcp dport 443 accept;
nft_filter_forward: |
ip protocol icmp limit rate 2/second accept;
ip6 nexthdr ipv6-icmp limit rate 2/second accept;
iifname $podman_if oifname $external_if counter accept;
nft_nat_postrouting: |
iifname $podman_if oifname $external_if counter masquerade random,persistent;
Virtualization host with internal network for the VMs on virbr0 and serving DHCP+DNS to the VMs. SSH Allowed for any origin:
nft_vars: |
define external_if = "eth0"
define internal_if = "virbr0"
nft_filter_input: |
tcp dport 22 accept;
iifname $internal_if udp dport 67 accept;
iifname $internal_if udp dport 53 accept;
nft_filter_forward: |
ip protocol icmp limit rate 2/second accept;
ip6 nexthdr ipv6-icmp limit rate 2/second accept;
iifname $internal_if oifname $internal_if counter accept;
iifname $internal_if oifname $external_if counter accept;
iifname $external_if oifname $internal_if counter accept;
nft_nat_postrouting: |
iifname $internal_if oifname $external_if counter masquerade random,persistent;
This role uses the following collections:
- community.general
Example Playbook
- hosts: servers
- { role: ricardoklein.nftables }
Author Information
If you want to suggest changes or request new features, please feel free to create a issue or send a pull request.
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ansible-galaxy install ricardoklein/ansible-nftables