

Install Traefik on a Kubernetes cluster.

Ansible Galaxy


Certificate Issuer

The role will define a default certificate on Traefik. Instead of defining a certificate in each ingress rule, Traefik can implicitly use this default certificate. To use this feature you will need certificate issuer already defined.

Cert Manager can be used to create a certificate issuer. Then use the three variables beginning with, traefik_default_cert_ to assign the respective attributes to request a certificate.

Note, a ClusterIssuer can be in any namespace, however, an Issuer can only issue certificate for its own namespace.


The role is intended to run from the Ansible controller. If the playbook is executed on a different host it will fail because the templates must be copied to the target host.

Kube Config

The host and user running the playbook must have kube config configured.


The host must have the Helm package manager installed.

Role Variables

Variable Required Default Comments
traefik_namespace yes traefik Kubernetes namespace
traefik_repo_name yes traefik Helm repository name
traefik_repo_url yes https://helm.traefik.io/traefik Helm repository URL
traefik_repo_version yes 20.5.0 Helm chart version
traefik_pods no 1 Number of pods
traefik_hostname yes traefik.{{ ansible_domain }} Dashboard address
traefik_loadbalancer_ip no First available IP address Loadbalancer address for ingress
traefik_log_level no error debug, panic, fatal, error, warn, info
traefik_web_user yes kangoroo Basic auth user for dashboard
traefik_web_password yes jack Basic auth password
traefik_web_salt yes 65534 Salt used to secure the password
traefik_default_cert_issuer yes selfsigned-issuer Default certificate issuer
traefik_default_cert_issuer_kind yes ClusterIssuer Kind of certificate issuer (e.g. Issuer, ClusterIssuer) for the default certificate.
traefik_default_cert_dnsname yes *.{{ ansible_domain }} DNS name issued to the default certificate
traefik_vpn_port no 0 Expose VPN port on the given UDP port


Use rmasters270.helm role or install kubernetes cli and helm manually on the host.

Setup kube config for the user account and host.

Example Playbook

- hosts: localhost

    traefik_pods: 2
    traefik_default_cert_issuer: letsencrypt-staging

    - rmasters270.helm
    - rmasters270.cert_manager
    - rmasters270.traefik



Author Information

Ryan Masters

ansible-galaxy install rmasters270.traefik
GitHub repository