
Ansible Role - Linux Users

This repo contains the Linux Users (linux_users) Ansible role.

What this role does

This Ansible role will create, update, and delete Linux users along with their SSH keys using the inventory.

Changes performed:

  1. Create management groups for the users
    1. Create a sysadmins group for password-less sudo users
    2. Create a sysusers group for non-sudo users
    3. Create a svcaccounts group for password-less sudo for service accounts
  2. Manage root user
    1. Manage root's password and SSH keys
  3. Manage non-root users
    1. Create, Update, Delete user accounts
    2. Create, Update, Delete user home directories
    3. Manage user SSH keys
    4. Manage user group membership (It's expected to use one of the above groups)


There are a few caveats to this role to be aware of:

  1. root's password should be pre-encrypted
  2. Using multiple SSH keys can be done in one of two ways due to the use of exclusive: yes:
    1. a single string with newline characters between keys
    2. Pointing to a GitHub keys URL
  3. All non-root users will not have a password set as sudo will be password-less and they aren't expected to have local login privileges
  4. Users with a home directory in /home/ that aren't defined in linux_users.users will be deleted
    1. This is not the best way to manage unapproved users, and is intended to be improved upon in the future


The following variables are required:

  1. linux_users.root_password - The pre-encrypted password for root

The following variables are optional:

  1. linux_users.root_key - The SSH key(s) used by root. If left undefined then root's authorized_keys file is deleted
  2. linux_users.users - User objects with the following variables. If left undefined then users are not managed
      - username: pgibbons
        key: "ssh-rsa BLAH BLAH BLAH"
        comment: Peter Gibbons
        group: sysadmins
      - username: mbolton
        comment: Michael Bolton
        group: sysusers
      - username: svc-ghactions
        key: ssh-rsa BLAH BLAH BLAH\nssh-rsa BLEH BLEH BLEH"
        comment: ServiceAccount-GitHub Actions
        group: svcaccounts

The following variables should only be used in testing:

  1. is_kitchen - If this variable is defined the role(s) in tests/roles create sample users for testing unapproved user deletion against. Additionally the user_cleanup.yml play will exempt the vagrant user from deletion


This role is fully tested via Test Kitchen using sample inventory data contained in this repo. contains details and instructions for testing.

Route 1337 LLC's open source code heavily relies on donations. If you find this Ansible role useful, please consider using the GitHub Sponsors button to show your continued support.

Thank you for your support!


Extremely basic user account management for Ubuntu and CentOS servers

ansible-galaxy install route1337/ansible-role-linuxusers
GitHub repository
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