

Master: Build Status Develop: Build Status

This roles installs rsyslog v8 for the log shipping.

For more information on rsyslog please visit rsyslog docs.

Installation and Dependencies

To install run ansible-galaxy install sansible.rsyslog or add this to your roles.yml

- name: sansible.rsyslog
  version: v3.0

and run ansible-galaxy install -p ./roles -r roles.yml


This role uses two tags: build and configure

  • build - Installs Rsyslog all its dependencies.

Builtin log configs

Several builtin configs are included for shipping log files to Logstash, these builtins are designed for certain log file formats and always output in JSON, you can see the example settings for each builtin handler in defaults/main.yml under builtin_configs.

Syslog files

By default syslog messages are shipped as JSON, no extra config is required for this.

Syslog messages are shipped in the following format:

  • type - always syslog
  • host - hostname of origin machine
  • timestamp - RFC-3339 formatted date
  • version - always 2 for JSON logs
  • role - this the app_name field from the rsyslog roles config
  • message - the log line itself
  • priority - syslog severity number
  • program - name of the service that originated the message
  • facility - syslog facility
  • severity - syslog severity name
  "type": "syslog",
  "host": "",
  "timestamp": "2017-10-21T14:29:30.739200+00:00",
  "@version": "2",
  "role": "some_application",
  "message": "Something happened",
  "priority": "3",
  "program": "some-local-service",
  "facility": "daemon",
  "severity": "err"

Auth log files

sansible_rsyslog_app_name: some_application
sansible_rsyslog_builtin_configs_application_logs_enabled: true

Ships auth and authpriv facility messages, uses the same template as Syslog messages with the type field set to authlog:

  "type": "authlog",
  "host": "",
  "timestamp": "2018-01-09T10:45:01.117615+00:00",
  "@version": "2",
  "role": "some_application",
  "message": " pam_unix(cron:session): session closed for user some_user",
  "priority": "6",
  "program": "CRON",
  "facility": "authpriv",
  "severity": "info"

Plain text log files

sansible_rsyslog_app_name: some_application
sansible_rsyslog_builtin_configs_application_logs_enabled: true
  - path: "/var/log/some_log.log"
    # type defaults to application_log if not specified
      type: some_application_log

The application_logs builtin is designed to handle log files that are in plaintext, lines in these log files are shipped as they are to Logstash in the following JSON format:

  • type - type field from the log files config, useful for Logstash filters
  • host - hostname of origin machine
  • timestamp - RFC-3339 formatted date
  • version - always 1 for plain text logs
  • role - this the app_name field from the rsyslog roles config
  • sourcefile - location of the log file that the line was taken from
  • message - the log line itself

For example:

  "type": "application_log",
  "host": "",
  "timestamp": "2017-10-21T13:58:40.098660+00:00",
  "@version": "1",
  "role": "some_application_log",
  "sourcefile": "/var/log/some_log.log",
  "message": "A plain text log line"

JSON log files

sansible_rsyslog_app_name: some_application
sansible_rsyslog_builtin_configs_json_logs_enabled: true
  - path: "/var/log/some_log.log"
      type: some_application_log

The json_logs builtin is designed to handle log files that are in JSON, all fields are shipped as JSON with some extras added in:

  • type - type field from the log files config, useful for Logstash filters
  • host - hostname of origin machine
  • version - always 2 for JSON logs
  • role - this the app_name field from the rsyslog roles config
  • sourcefile - location of the log file that the line was taken from

For example, given the log line:

{ "message": "Some log message", "datetime": "2017-01-01 00:00:00", "level": "info" }

This would be shipped as:

  "type": "some_application_log",
  "host": "",
  "@version": "2",
  "role": "some_application",
  "sourcefile": "/var/log/some_log.log",
  "message": "Some log message",
  "datetime": "2017-01-01 00:00:00",
  "level": "info"

Nginx access log files

The nginx_access_logs builtin is essentially the same as the json_logs builtin, the only difference is that the type field is hardcoded to nginx-access-logs.

To render Nginx access logs in JSON you can use the following config in nginx.conf:

log_format main '{ '
    '"http_host": "$http_host", '
    '"clientip": "$remote_addr", '
    '"datetime": "$time_iso8601", '
    '"verb": "$request_method", '
    '"request_full": "$request", '
    '"response": "$status", '
    '"response_length": "$body_bytes_sent", '
    '"request_length": "$request_length", '
    '"referrer": "$http_referer", '
    '"agent": "$http_user_agent", '
    '"request_time": "$request_time", '
    '"upstream_time": "$upstream_response_time", '
    '"user_id": "$http_x_user", '
    '"request_id": "$http_x_request_id" '

access_log  /var/log/nginx/access.log main;

Docker container logs

The Docker container log configurations are intended to be added to an ECS container instance. The configuration creates unix socket files on the host to which docker forwards the logs generated by running containers.

Plain text logs

sansible_rsyslog_builtin_configs_docker_application_logs_enabled: true

This configuration creates a socket at /var/run/rsyslog/text.sock The logging configuration in the task definition of the application should be as follows:

"LogConfiguration": {
    "LogDriver": "syslog",
    "Options": {
        "tag": { "Ref": "ServiceName" },
        "syslog-address": "unixgram:///var/run/docker/text.sock"

JSON logs

sansible_rsyslog_builtin_configs_docker_json_logs_enabled: true

This configuration creates a socket at /var/run/rsyslog/json.sock The logging configuration in the task definition of the application should be as follows:

"LogConfiguration": {
    "LogDriver": "syslog",
    "Options": {
        "tag": { "Ref": "ServiceName" },
        "syslog-address": "unixgram:///var/run/docker/json.sock"

Text or JSON logs via Journald

sansible_rsyslog_builtin_configs_docker_journald_logs_enabled: false

This configuration connects and listens to the journald service. It will only process log files for containers, ignoring all other log entries in journald. Both JSON and Text outputs from containers can be processed. For basic logging, the logging configuration in the task definition of the application should be as follows:

"LogConfiguration": {
    "LogDriver": "journald"

For ECS deployments, it's possible to extend the metadata for the log entries by enabling:

sansible_rsyslog_custom_ecs_properties: yes

If this is enabled, your logging configuration in the task definition of the application should be as follows:

"LogConfiguration": {
    "LogDriver": "journald",
  "Log-Opts" : {
    "labels": "role,ecs_task_container,app_version"


To install:

- name: Some app
  hosts: "{{ hosts }}"

    - role: sansible.rsyslog
      sansible_rsyslog_app_name: default_app
      sansible_rsyslog_builtin_configs_application_logs_enabled: true
        - path: "/home/application_user/app_log.log"
      sansible_rsyslog_builtin_configs_json_logs_enabled: true
        - path: "/home/application_user/app_log_json.log"
            type_tag: "application_log"
      sansible_rsyslog_builtin_configs_nginx_access_logs_enabled: true
        - path: "/var/log/nginx/application_access.log"

There are global default settings that are applied to the config files, these can be seen in vars/main.yml, to override or add any additional settings you can use the sansible_rsyslog_config_global, sansible_rsyslog_config_imfile, sansible_rsyslog_config_main_queue and sansible_rsyslog_config_omfwd vars:

- name: Some app
  hosts: "{{ hosts }}"

    - role: sansible.rsyslog
      sansible_rsyslog_app_name: default_app
      sansible_rsyslog_builtin_configs_application_logs_enabled: true
        - path: "/home/application_user/app_log.log"
      sansible_rsyslog_builtin_configs_json_logs_enabled: true
        - path: "/home/application_user/app_log_json.log"
            type_tag: "application_log"
      sansible_rsyslog_builtin_configs_nginx_access_logs_enabled: true
        - path: "/var/log/nginx/application_access.log"
        maxMessageSize: 32K
        oversizemsg.input.mode: accept
        reopenOnTruncate: "on"
        queue.size: 100000
        action.resumeRetryCount: 10

To install without default config:

- name: Some app
  hosts: "{{ hosts }}"

    - role: sansible.rsyslog
      sansible_rsyslog_app_name: default_app
      sansible_rsyslog_default_config: no

To install specific package versions:

- name: Some app
  hosts: "{{ hosts }}"

    - role: sansible.rsyslog
      sansible_rsyslog_version: "8.30*"
      sansible_rsyslog_version_libfastjson4: "0.99.*"
      sansible_rsyslog_version_mmjsonparse: "8.30.*"
ansible-galaxy install sansible/rsyslog
GitHub repository
See for more information