
Ansible Attic/Borg Role

Ansible role that can install the attic or borg backup software. It also can manage the SSH key for the backup user, a basic backup script, and cron job for the backup task.


This role isn't really actively used or maintained. It was created when I was testing Attic/Borg, and thought it might be useful to someone else, so I'm making it available. Because of this, it may assume certain things, or not function in a very portable way, as it was intended to be applied for a specific use-case.


  • RHEL-based system w/yum
  • Ansible 2.0 (though it may work with older versions; only tested w/Ansible 2.0+)
  • attic or borg package present in enabled repository


Variables below given in 'var_name: default' format:

  • attic_package_name: attic - name of the package to install from repository
  • attic_script_path: '/usr/local/sbin/' - path to the backup script provided by the role
  • attic_log_path: '/var/log/attic.log' - path for the logfile for the backup script
  • attic_cache_directory: '~/.cache/attic' - directory to use for the client-side cache
  • attic_bin_name: attic - the binary name on the client server to use for commands (mostly here for when using w/Borg)
  • attic_manage_package: True - whether or not to manage the package its self (can be used if attic/borg installed through another role/playbook)
  • attic_package_state: True - when managing package, the state to use
  • attic_manage_ssh_key: False - whether or not to manage the ssh key for the "backup user" (used for authentication with remote host)
  • attic_is_borg: False - whether or not Attic is actually Borg
  • attic_init_command: 'init' - the command to use when initializing a backup repository
  • attic_create_command: 'create --stats' - the command to use when creating a backup
  • attic_prune_command: 'prune -v' - the command to use when pruning backups
  • attic_backup_user: root - the user the backups run under
  • attic_server_user: attic - the user to connect as on the 'remote' host
  • attic_server_name: '' - the 'remote' host to connect to
  • attic_backup_path: '/home/' - the path to backup
  • attic_days_keep: 30 - how many "days" (backups) to keep
  • attic_cron_user: root - the user to run the cron under
  • attic_cron_minute: 0 - the minute to run the cron at
  • attic_cron_hour: 0 - the hour to run the cron at
  • attic_cron_day: '*' - the day to run the cron at
  • attic_cron_month: '*' - the month to run the cron at
  • attic_cron_weekday: '*' - the day of week to run the cron at


- hosts: attic
    attic_package_name: ''
    attic_script_path: '/root/'
    attic_server_name: ''
    attic_backup_path: '/home/'
    attic_cache_directory: '/attic/cache'
    attic_cron_minute: 30
    attic_cron_hour: 23 
    attic_manage_ssh_key: True
    attic_log_path: '/var/log/attic.log'

    - { role: attic, become: yes }

In the above example we have attic_manage_ssh_key set to True, which causes the role to use a variable named attic_backup_user_private_key to be loaded. By default this variable is not defined. Since this is sensitive information, use of Ansible Vault is highly recomended when managing the SSH private key through this role.


This role is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE file for copyright, and full details.


Install and manage Attic or Borg backups.

ansible-galaxy install sedunne/ansible-role-attic
GitHub repository