ActiveMQ Ansible Role
Installs ActiveMQ
Build Status:
Currently only supports Ansible lint, need to add distributions (work started in .travis.yml
JAVA Oracle
Role Variables
Default installation mode for Rhel/Centos:
amq_install_mode: tarball
User & Group activemq runs under:
amq_user: activemq
amq_group: activemq
amq_home_dir: /var/lib/activemq
amq_log_dir: /var/log/activemq
Installation directory:
amq_install_dir: /opt
amq_run_dir: "/opt/{{ amq_user }}"
Default version:
amq_version_major: "5"
amq_version_minor: "13"
amq_version_patch: "3"
amq_version: "{{ amq_version_major }}.{{ amq_version_minor }}.{{amq_version_patch }}"
Download url - this can be overwritten with your corporate url prefix:
amq_url_prefix: ""
amq_url: "{{ amq_url_prefix }}/{{ amq_version }}/apache-activemq-{{amq_version }}-bin.tar.gz"
Environment vars : you can override or add new environment variables. These variables are used loaded by systemd service file
ACTIVEMQ_USER: "{{ amq_user }}"
ACTIVEMQ_BASE: "{{ amq_run_dir }}"
Requires Java in order to run. Personally I do not believe in depedencies from meta/main.yml considering this looks too much like black magic ...
Example Playbook
Including an example of how to use your role (for instance, with variables passed in as parameters) is always nice for users too:
- hosts: localhost
remote_user: root
- java
- ansible-role-activemq
- initial release - initial release support ubutnu 14/16.04 && centos 6/7
- v1.0.0 - Add support for systemd in centos7
- v1.0.1 - Add support for centos6 (no systemd)
Author Information
Haggai Philip Zagury part of Shellg project. see also Shellg Docs