
Ansible Role: Sonatype Nexus on OpenShift Build Status =========

Ansible Role for deploying Sonatype Nexus 3 on OpenShift with Red Hat enterprise maven repositories preconfigured on Nexus

NOTE: This role has been updated to only support Sonatype Nexus 3

Role Variables

Variable Default Value Description
nexus_service_name nexus Nexus service name on OpenShift
nexus_image_version 3.12.1 Nexus image version as available on Docker Hub for Nexus 3
nexus_volume_capacity 10Gi Persistent volume capacity for Nexus
nexus_max_memory 2Gi Max memory allocated to Nexus container
nexus_min_memory 512Mi Min memory allocated to Nexus container
nexus_max_cpu 1 Max cpu allocated to Nexus container
nexus_min_cpu 200m Min cpu allocated to Nexus container
nexus_admin_user adminuser Nexus admin user
nexus_admin_password admin123 Nexus admin password
current_nexus_admin_password admin123 Admin password for current instance (if an existing instance needs reconfiguration)
project_name nexus OpenShift project name for the Nexus container
project_display_name Nexus OpenShift project display name for the Nexus container
project_desc Nexus Repository Manager OpenShift project description for the Nexus container
project_annotations - OpenShift project annotations for the Nexus container
openshift_cli oc OpenShift CLI command and arguments (e.g. auth)

OpenShift Version Compatibility

When listing this role in requirements.yml, make sure to pin the version of the role via one of the tags:

- src: siamaksade.openshift_nexus
  version: 1.1.0

The following tables shows the version combinations that are tested and verified:

Role Version OpenShift Version
1.0.x 3.7.x
1.1.x 3.9.x, 3.10.x, 3.11.x

Note that if a version combination is not listed above, it does NOT mean that the latest role version won't work on a new OpenShift version. The above table is merely the combinations that we have tested and verified.

Example Playbook

name: Example Playbook
hosts: localhost
- import_role:
    name: siamaksade.openshift_nexus
    project_name: "cicd-project"
    openshift_cli: "oc --server http://master:8443"

Sonatype Nexus for OpenShift

ansible-galaxy install siamaksade/ansible-openshift-nexus
GitHub repository
Product Manager at Red Hat