
Ansible Role: pacemaker

Ansible Galaxy Ansible Role


This role provides the pacemaker/corosync services to set up and configure a HA cluster.


ansible-galaxy install skriptfabrik.pacemaker



Role Variables

Variable Type Default Comments
corosync_authkey_file string /etc/corosync/authkey corosync auth key file path
corosync_bindnet_interface string interface used for cluster communication
corosync_cluster_name string corosync-cluster corosync cluster name
corosync_config_file string /etc/corosync/corosync.conf corosync config file path
corosync_log_file string /var/log/corosync/corosync.log corosync log file path
pacemaker_cluster_group string clusters ansible host group name
pacemaker_cluster_properties list of dictionaries cluster settings definition
pacemaker_cluster_resources list of dictionaries cluster resources definition
pacemaker_cluster_constraints list of dictionaries cluster constraints definition

pacemaker_cluster_properties definition dictionary

Key Type Default Comments
name string Cluster property name
state string present present: create or update the resource
absent: remove the resource
value mixed null Cluster property value (set to default if value is not defined)

pacemaker_cluster_resources definition dictionary

Key Type Default Comments
resource_id string Unique cluster resource name
state string present present: create or update the resource
absent: remove the resource
provider string Name of the resource provider (use pcs resource providers to list all available providers)
options list of strings [] Optional list of the provider options
operations list of dictionaries [] Optional list resource operations
stickiness integer 0 Optional resource stickiness value
test_command string null Optional command to test a service resource configuration

operations definition dictionary

Key Type Default Comments
name string Operation name (e.g. start, stop, monitor)
state string present present: create or update the resource
absent: remove the resource
options list of strings [] Optional list of the operation options

pacemaker_cluster_constraints definition dictionary

Key Type Default Comments
type string Constraint type
one of colocation or order
colocation dictionary Colocation constraint settings for type=colocation
order dictionary Order constraint settings for type=order

colocation constraint definition dictionary

Key Type Default Comments
state string present present: create or update the constraint
absent: remove the constraint
source_resource_id string Constraint source resource id
target_resource_id string Constraint target resource id
score integer/string INFINITY Constraint score

order constraint definition dictionary

Key Type Default Comments
first_resource string ID of the first resource
first_resource_action string Action of the first resource (e.g. ´start`)
second_resource string ID of the second resource
second_resource_action string Optional action of the second resource (e.g. ´start`)
options list of strings [] Optional list of the order options



Example Playbook

- hosts: all
    - skriptfabrik.pacemaker



This project is under the MIT License.

(c) 2022, skriptfabrik GmbH


HA Cluster manager configuration with pacemaker and corosync

ansible-galaxy install skriptfabrik/ansible-role-pacemaker
GitHub repository