

This role installs and/or configures Zammad, known from .


To run zammad, you have to meet the requirements from .

Please note that is highly recommended not to run the database server on the same machine as zammad itself.

You have to install ruby, bundler, rake and rails before. Use for example geerlingguy.ruby but choose to build ruby from source as package manager's package may be outdated.

Role Variables

# Install prerequisites via apt (disable and do it manually to use another package manager)
zammad_install_prerequisites: true

# Install zammad itself (from source)
zammad_install: true

# Configure existing zammad installation (setup can be done by setting ```zammad_install``` to true)
zammad_configure: false

# Install nginx as a reverse proxy in front of zammad
zammad_install_nginx: true

# Configure existing nginx as reverse proxy for zammad installation
zammad_configure_nginx: false

# Remove nginx's default vhost to enable only zammad
zammad_remove_nginx_default_vhost: false

# Set to true to create the database
zammad_db_create: false

# Set to true to run database migrations (you MUST do this is  zammad_db_create  is set to true)
zammad_db_migrate: false

# Set to true to seed the database with initial values (DON'T DO THIS ON AN EXISTING DATABASE!)
zammad_db_seed: false

# Set to true to install with MySQL as database driver
zammad_db_mysql: true

# Set to true to install with PostgreSQL as database driver
zammad_db_postgresql: false

Do not set both zammad_db_mysql and zammad_db_postgresql to true!

# Database parameters should be self explaining    
zammad_db_port: 3306
zammad_db_username: zammad
zammad_db_password: ~
zammad_db_name: zammad

# The username zammad should be installed under
zammad_user: zammad

# The group zammad should be installed under
zammad_group: zammad

# Set to true to automatically create user and group if they don't exist yet
zammad_user_group_create: true

# Enable or disable installation of systemd services
zammad_install_systemd_service: true

# Set to true to precompile static assets (database must be set up and working before)
zammad_precompile_assets: false

Cloud Usage Suggestion

If you want to provision for example an AMI that just runs zammad, you should setup but not configure it:

zammad_install_prerequisites: true
zammad_install: true
zammad_configure: false
zammad_install_nginx: true
zammad_configure_nginx: false
zammad_remove_nginx_default_vhost: false
zammad_db_create: false
zammad_db_migrate: false
zammad_db_seed: false
zammad_db_mysql: true or false
zammad_db_postgresql: false or true
zammad_user: zammad
zammad_group: zammad
zammad_user_group_create: true
zammad_install_systemd_service: true
zammad_precompile_assets: false

In your launch configuration you should then configure it:

zammad_install_prerequisites: false
zammad_install: false
zammad_configure: true
zammad_install_nginx: false
zammad_configure_nginx: true
zammad_remove_nginx_default_vhost: true
zammad_db_create: false
zammad_db_migrate: true
zammad_db_seed: false
zammad_db_port: 3306
zammad_db_username: zammad
zammad_db_password: ~
zammad_db_name: zammad
zammad_user: zammad
zammad_group: zammad
zammad_user_group_create: false
zammad_install_systemd_service: false
zammad_precompile_assets: true

A special case is the very first run, if you do not have a database yet. You have to options: Either create the database manually and just run ansible once with zammad_db_seed set to true, or run ansible once with zammad_db_create set to true and zammad_db_seed set to true. (But then you need to provide a user that is allowed to create a database!)


None so far.

Example Playbook

- hosts: servers
     - { role: solutiondrive.ansible-role-zammad }



Author Information

Created by solutionDrive GmbH.

ansible-galaxy install solutionDrive/ansible-role-zammad
GitHub repository