
Mellanox NEO SDN Controller

This role can be used to configure a Mellanox NEO SDN controller running in a Docker container.

Tooling to build a compatible container image is provided on Github <>.


The host executing the role has the following requirements:

  • Docker engine
  • Python docker >= 2.0.0

Role Variables

  • mlnx_neo_action: Action to perform. One of build, deploy, destroy, pull, reconfigure, upgrade. Defaults to deploy.
  • mlnx_neo_enabled: Whether NEO is enabled. Defaults to true.
  • mlnx_neo_image: Docker image name. Required.
  • mlnx_neo_tag: Docker image tag. Defaults to latest.
  • mlnx_neo_image_full: Full docker image specification.
  • mlnx_neo_restart_policy: Docker restart policy for the NEO container. Defaults to unless-stopped.
  • mlnx_neo_restart_retries: Number of Docker restarts. Defaults to 10.
  • mlnx_neo_startup_config_path: Path to a script template on localhost containing startup configuration. Default is /etc/mlnx-neo/mlnx-neo-configure.
  • mlnx_neo_config_path: Path to a directory on the remote host to store configuration. Default is /etc/mlnx-neo.

The following variables are relevant only when mlnx_neo_action is build:

  • mlnx_neo_repo_url: URL of the git repo containing the image. Default is
  • mlnx_neo_repo_version: Version to check out for the git repo containing the image. Default is master.
  • mlnx_neo_repo_checkout_path: Path to a directory in which to check out the git repo. Default is /tmp.
  • mlnx_neo_tarball_url: URL of the NEO software tarball. This must be set to build the image.
  • mlnx_neo_push: Whether to push images after they have been built. Default is false.
  • mlnx_neo_force_rebuild: Whether to build the image even if an image of the same name and tag exists. Default is false.



Example Playbook

The following playbook configures Mellanox NEO.

- hosts: mlnx-neo
    - role: mlnx-neo

Author Information


Role to deploy Mellanox NEO SDN controller in a Docker container.

ansible-galaxy install stackhpc/ansible-role-mlnx-neo
GitHub repository
StackHPC develops OpenStack capabilities for research computing use cases. Through extensive experience, we understand HPC and cloud.