
Ansible Role: ntpd

An ansible role to configure ntpd/chrony/systemd-timesyncd


Ansible galaxy

The role is available on Ansible Galaxy.

To install the role from Ansible Galaxy execute the command below.

ansible-galaxy install stafwag.ntpd

Source Code

If you want to use the source code directly.

Clone the role source code.

$ git clone https://github.com/stafwag/ansible-role-ntpd

and put into the role search path


Supported platforms

  • Archlinux
  • Debian
  • FreeBSD
  • NetBSD
  • OpenBSD
  • RedHat
  • Suse

Role Variables and templates


The ntpd_defaults hash is used to define the default values.

  • ntpd_defaults:
    • servers: An array with the default ntp servers. Default: - pool.ntp.org.

Input variables

The ntpd is used to define the input values to configure the role.

  • ntpd: "namespace"

    • provider ntpd|chrony|systemd-timesyncd, the ntp provider.

      • ntpd is used by default on Debian GNU/Linux 10 & 11 for historical reasons and all other operating systems (BSD, Solaris, etc)
      • chrony is the default on GNU/Linux besides Debian GNU/Linux and Archlinux.
      • systemd-timesyncd is used as the default on Debian GNU/Linux - as this is the default ntp client on Debian GNU/Linux - and Archlinux.
    • packages_to_remove: packages to remove. Packages that will be removed from the system during the ntp configuration.

      • On Debian GNU/Linux chrony and ntp are removed when the systemd-timesyncd provider is used.
      • On Archlinux
        • chrony is removed when the ntpd provider is used.
        • ntp is removed when the chrony provider is used.
    • packages: packages that're installed during the setup of ntp. By default, the required packages for the ntp provider are installed.

    • template: the configuration template. By default, the template for the provider is used. See the template section for more details.

    • conf_file: The config file that is created with the defined template. By default the configuration file based on the provider is used.

    • driftfile: the ntp driftfile.

    • servers: A list with the ntp servers, by default the ntp servers defined in the ntpd_defaults hash are used.

    • service: The ntp service that is started during the ntp configuration. By default, the service that is required by the ntp provider is used.

    • services_to_disable: A list of services that are stopped and disabled during the ntp configuration. By default is used when the systemd-timesyncd is used to disable the ntp, ntpd, chrony`` and chronyd```` services if they exist on the target system.

Return variables

The role returns the _ntpd hash with the defined values. The _ntpd is a copy of the ntpd input hash with the added values that are defined by the role for the target operation system.

The return hash ```_ntpd```` is used by the default templates.


The role comes with a template for each provider to set up a basic ntp client. If you need something else you can define your own template.



Example Playbooks

- name: Configure ntp on the systems
  hosts: all
  become: true
    - stafwag.ntpdate
    - stafwag.ntpd
        - 0.be.pool.ntp.org
        - 1.be.pool.ntp.org
        - 2.be.pool.ntp.org
        - 3.be.pool.ntp.org



Author Information

Created by Staf Wagemakers, email: staf@wagemakers.be, website: https://www.wagemakers.be, my company https://mask27.dev

ansible-galaxy install stafwag/ansible-role-ntpd
GitHub repository