

This role is to be used by those that use Bareos Backup System which is an enterprise grade open source backup management system that comes with a useful Web UI, making it very easy to restore any backup. The slowest part of dealing with Bareos is adding new machines and/or files into the system.

This role allows for a fast and easy way to add new machines or items to be systematically backed up. The ansible host to run with this role should be your Bareos Server (where bareos-dir and bareos-sd files are stored).

Bareos is a derivation of Bacula. This Ansible role may work with Bacula, but has only been tested with Bareos.

Bareos does have the ability to backup laptops (Mac, Linux and Windows) and other devices that do not have static IP addresses assigned to them, but this role does not cover those cases at this time. This role assumes that the bareos director (bareos-dir) component of the system will be able to reach out to the server_fqdn at the time of the backup and coordinate with the bareos file daemon (bareos-fd) to retrieve the needed files and pass them off to the bareos storage daemon (bareos-sd) for permanent storage.


You need to use and have a fully setup Bareos Backup System on version 17.x or higher. I started using Bareos before Ansible and did not use Ansible to setup my instances, but did find this Ansible role recently for installing the Bareos system.

Role Variables

The hostname of the machine you are backing up

    add_job_to_bareos_director_host_name: "my-important-crm-server"

The fully qualified domain name or IP address of the machine you are adding to be backed up
add_job_to_bareos_director_server_fqdn: ""
The fully qualified domain name or IP address of where your Bareos Storage Daemon/Service is running. For most people this will probably be the same FQDN of where the Bareos Director daemon/service runs (your Bareos Server), but can be a separate machine.
add_job_to_bareos_director_bareos_storage_daemon_fqdn: "To Be Filled In"
This is a very important one. It needs to match the client_password entered when adding the bareos client program to the machine you want to backup. You will probably want to see the [Ansible role I wrote for that purpose (install-bareos-client) here]( The value for this is usually a very long string (47 characters) of random characters like below.
add_job_to_bareos_director_client_password: "kAgt2SJTysbg5iRpcnj5XRexuEnDieGCetCXNQrYGuzNxCf"
The storage director password variable is the bareos-dir password found on your Bareos Server. It is a good idea to use an environment variable (like below) or Ansible Vault in order to store this value and retrieve it into the `storage_director_password` variable. 
add_job_to_bareos_director_storage_director_password: "{{ lookup('env', 'BAREOS_STORAGE_PASSWORD') }}"

Backup Level - Full, Incremental, Differential
* Incremental - all files changed since the last Full, Differential, or Incremental backup started
* Differential - all files specified in the FileSet that have changed since the last successful *Full* backup will be backed up
* Full - all files in the FileSet whether or not they have changed will be backed up
add_job_to_bareos_director_level: Incremental
Permits you to control the order in which your jobs will be run by specifying a positive non-zero number. The higher the number, the lower the job priority. 
add_job_to_bareos_director_priority: 6
The backup schedule you want to run for this job/machine that are adding with this role. [Official Documentation Here](
  - Run = Full sun at 02:00
  - Run = Incremental mon-sat at 02:00

As you'll see in the example below I use this like a file path, but you have some other interesting options as well. I recommend checking them out in the [Bareos Documentation here]( You can also backup to distributed file systems like GlusterFS and object storage (AWS S3), tape, etc.
add_job_to_bareos_director_archive_device: "/z-storage/backups/{{ add_job_to_bareos_director_host_name }}"

A list of directories and/or files to be processed in the backup job. [Official Documentation Here](
  - File = "/var/www/html"
  - File = "/path/to/your/directory"
  - File = "/backups/mysql/current"

A list of directories and/or files to be excluded in the backup job. [Official Documentation Here]( Don't actually store your git files/directory under a webserver's DocumentRoot. This is just meant to demonstrate the use case of excluding files or directories from a directory that you are backing up.
  - File = "/var/www/html/.github"
  - File = "/var/www/html/.git"
  - File = "/var/www/html/.gitignore"

There are some additional straightforward variables whose values are set in the [defaults/main.yml file](../blob/master/defaults/main.yml). They are:
add_job_to_bareos_director_backup_name: "{{ add_job_to_bareos_director_host_name }} Backup"
Individual File Records Storage Length - affects browsing files in GUI
add_job_to_bareos_director_file_retention: 90 days
Job Records in the DB - how long to store info/metadata about these backups
add_job_to_bareos_director_job_retention: 6 months
How long to actually store the backup files
add_job_to_bareos_director_volume_retention_full: 12 months
Maximum size of each backup volume/file
add_job_to_bareos_director_maximum_volume_bytes_full: 10G
Limit number of Volumes in Pool
add_job_to_bareos_director_maximum_volumes_full: 10
How long to actually store the backup files
add_job_to_bareos_director_volume_retention_incremental: 12 months
Maximum size of each backup volume/file
add_job_to_bareos_director_maximum_volume_bytes_incremental: 10G
Limit number of Volumes in Pool
add_job_to_bareos_director_maximum_volumes_incremental: 10


No dependencies on other Ansible roles.

Example Playbook
- hosts: your_bareos_server
    - vars/main.yml
    - { role: stancel.add-job-to-bareos-director }

- hosts: your_bareos_server
    add_job_to_bareos_director_host_name: "my-important-crm-server"
    add_job_to_bareos_director_server_fqdn: ""
    add_job_to_bareos_director_client_password: "kAgt2SJTysbg5iRpcnj5XRexuEnDieGCetCXNQrYGuzNxCf"
    add_job_to_bareos_director_storage_director_password: "{{ lookup('env', 'BAREOS_STORAGE_PASSWORD') }}" 
    add_job_to_bareos_director_level: Incremental
    add_job_to_bareos_director_priority: 6
      - Run = Full sun at 02:00
      - Run = Incremental mon-sat at 02:00
    add_job_to_bareos_director_archive_device: "/z-storage/backups/{{ host_name }}"
      - File = "/var/www/html"
      - File = "/path/to/your/directory"
      - File = "/backups/mysql/current"
      - File = "/var/www/html/.github"
      - File = "/var/www/html/.git"
      - File = "/var/www/html/.gitignore"
    - { role: stancel.add-job-to-bareos-director }



Author Information

[Brad Stancel](

The role allows for a fast and easy way to add new machines or items to be systematically backed up by Bareos.

ansible-galaxy install stancel.add-job-to-bareos-director
GitHub repository