

Ansible role that completes the needed changes/updates to in the config files and database so that everything works properly after being restored to a new host/domain/environment.


Must have WP-CLI installed on the server you are running this against and already have the WordPress files and database restored and in place before running this role to finalize everything.

Role Variables

URL of the OLD website restoring from (without http:// or https://)

    finish_wordpress_restore_fqdn_of_old_wp_site: ""

URL of the NEW website restoring from (without http:// or https://)

    finish_wordpress_restore_fqdn_of_new_wp_site: ""

Boolean as to whether to use standard Wordpress (default) or Bedrock WP (

    finish_wordpress_restore_use_bedrock: false

Is this installation on a shared server?

    finish_wordpress_restore_using_shared_server: false

URL of the website. Not required or used unless using WP Bedrock

    finish_wordpress_restore_wp_home: "https://{{ finish_wordpress_restore_fqdn_of_new_wp_site }}"

The database to create when setting up the application

    finish_wordpress_restore_db_name: "wordpress"

The default database character set / encoding that will be use

    finish_wordpress_restore_db_encoding: "utf8mb4"

The default database collation that will be use

    finish_wordpress_restore_db_collation: "utf8mb4_unicode_ci"

The fqdn or IP address of where the application database will be connecting to. Default is 'localhost'

    finish_wordpress_restore_db_host: "localhost"

Hostname of Nagios server that is allowed to interact with the check_wordpress_updates.php script?

    finish_wordpress_restore_update_check_script_nagios_server_fqdn: "{{ lookup('env', 'NAGIOS_SERVER_FQDN') }}"

Disable All Updates. By default automatic updates are enabled, set this value to true to disable all automatic updates

    finish_wordpress_restore_auto_update_disable: false

Define Core Update Level true = Development, minor, and major updates are all enabled false = Development, minor, and major updates are all disabled minor = Minor updates are enabled, development, and major updates are disabled For development sites, the default value of WP_AUTO_UPDATE_CORE is true. For other sites sites, the default value of WP_AUTO_UPDATE_CORE is minor.

    finish_wordpress_restore_core_update_level: 'minor'

The Document Root or file path where the files will be stored and served up by your webserver. The default path is "/var/www/html" and assumes you are running Apache2 on Debian or Ubuntu

    finish_wordpress_restore_web_files_path: "/var/www"
    finish_wordpress_restore_web_directory_for_application: "/html"

The linux username used by your webserver. The default value is "www-data" which assumes Apache is used on a Debian or Ubuntu linux

    finish_wordpress_restore_web_user: "www-data"

The linux group used by your webserver. The default value is "www-data" which assumes Apache is used on a Debian or Ubuntu linux

    finish_wordpress_restore_web_group: "www-data"

Is this a "new", "upgrade" or "restore" installation? "new" and "upgrade" installs install files from Git, "restore" skips any git deployments and expect a later role to restore files to the needed directory.

    finish_wordpress_restore_installation_type: "new"

Is this instance to be used for a "dev", "qa" or "prod" environment? Only "prod" environments will deploy any needed cron jobs or schedulers.

    finish_wordpress_restore_environment_type: "prod"



Example Playbook

Copy and edit defaults/main.yml to your vars/main.yml

- hosts: your_webserver
    - vars/main.yml
    - stancel.finish_wordpress_restore

or just pass the variables in the playbook

- hosts: your_webserver 
    finish_wordpress_restore_fqdn_of_old_wp_site: ""
    finish_wordpress_restore_fqdn_of_new_wp_site: ""
    - stancel.finish_wordpress_restore



Author Information

Brad Stancel


Completes the needed changes/updates to in the config files and database so that everything works properly after being restored to a new host/domain/environment.

ansible-galaxy install stancel/finish-wordpress-restore
GitHub repository