

Ansible role that downloads and installs a chosen release of SuiteCRM.


Need to already have MySQL / MariaDB / Percona Server and your webserver (Apache or Nginx) already setup and configured. The defaults assume a Debian based Linux (Ubuntu, Debian, etc.) with a default webserver document root of /var/www/html to install the SuiteCRM software. You can override those default variables if that is not the case.

Role Variables

Choose the git tagged release that you would like to download and install. No default value set.

    git_download_suitecrm_tagged_release_version: "v7.10.9"

The default git repo to use when downloading and installing the application. This is the default but can be changed if you have a forked/modified git repo that you would prefer to use.

    git_download_suitecrm_git_repo: ""

If you are using your own forked repo an want to use a branch instead of a tagged release then fill in a value and comment out the git_download_suitecrm_tagged_release_version variable. Default value is an empty string "".

    git_download_suitecrm_git_branch: "my-super-special-branch"

The database to create when setting up the application. The default value is "suitecrm".

    git_download_suitecrm_db_name: "suitecrm"

The DB user to create when to be used by the application. No default value set.

    git_download_suitecrm_db_user: "suitecrmDbUser"

The password for the DB user being created. No default value set.

    git_download_suitecrm_db_password: "some-really-secure-password"

The root password for your MySQL, MariaDB or Percona Server DB instance to create the DB and user.

    git_download_suitecrm_mysql_root_password: "your MySQL root password"

The Document Root or file path where the files will be stored and served up by your webserver. The default path is /var/www/html and assumes you are running Apache2 on Debian or Ubuntu.

First part => git_download_suitecrm_web_files_path: is the root directory of your webserver

Second part => git_download_suitecrm_web_directory_for_application: is the application directory inside the root directory

!Be aware of the starting / !

    git_download_suitecrm_web_files_path: "/var/www"
    git_download_suitecrm_web_directory_for_application: "/html"

The linux username used by your webserver. The default value is www-data which assumes Apache is used on a Debian or Ubuntu linux.

    git_download_suitecrm_web_user: "www-data"

The linux group used by your webserver. The default value is www-data which assumes Apache is used on a Debian or Ubuntu linux.

    git_download_suitecrm_web_group: "www-data"

Manage package with apt, you can disable the installation of package

    git_download_suitecrm_manage_packages: true

The php.ini configurations, to allow or not the setting of these items, useful if your server is already setup with different values, default are true```

    git_download_suitecrm_configure_mysqli_allow_local_infile: true
    git_download_suitecrm_configure_memory_limit: true
    git_download_suitecrm_configure_post_max_size: true
    git_download_suitecrm_configure_upload_max_filesize: true
    git_download_suitecrm_configure_max_input_time: true
    git_download_suitecrm_configure_max_execution_time: true
    git_download_suitecrm_configure_php_timezone: true

Install Composer or not, default is true, disable it if you already have composer installed

    git_download_suitecrm_install_composer: true

Is this a "new", "upgrade" or "restore" installation? "new" and "upgrade" installs install files from Git, "restore" skips any git deployments and expect a later role to restore files to the needed directory. Default is "new".

    git_download_suitecrm_installation_type: "new"

Is this instance to be used for a "dev", "qa" or "prod" environment? Only "prod" environments will deploy the SuiteCRM schedulers. Default is "prod".

    git_download_suitecrm_environment_type: "prod"



Example Playbook

Copy and edit defaults/main.yml to your vars/main.yml

- hosts: your_new_crm_server
    - vars/main.yml
    - stancel.git-download-suitecrm

or just pass the variables in the playbook

- hosts: your_new_crm_server 
    git_download_suitecrm_tagged_release_version: "v7.10.9"
    git_download_suitecrm_db_user: "suitecrmDbUser"
    git_download_suitecrm_db_password: "some-really-secure-password"
    git_download_suitecrm_mysql_root_password: "your MySQL root password"
    - stancel.git-download-suitecrm



Author Information

Brad Stancel


Bouteillier Nicolas


Downloads and installs a chosen release of SuiteCRM to the default document root for the Apache webserver, or other chosen path/document root directory

ansible-galaxy install stancel/git-download-suitecrm
GitHub repository