
Role ansible-inject-packages-into-iso

With this role, you can add packages to an live iso. I need an live debian iso with german keyboard loyout and ssh login with root access. So i build an role so we can build easy our custom iso ever an ever again, without pain or the question how

Example Playbook

  • hosts: myhosts become: yes gather_facts: yes


    • role: inject_packages_into_iso enable_download: True download_public_iso_url: live_folder_name: live/ path_to_src_iso_file_with_filename: /tmp/iso/debian11.iso path_to_dest_iso_filename: /srv/tftp/images/debianlive_ssh/x86_64/debianlive_ssh.iso install_ssh_server: True #clean working clean_working_dir: False packages_to_install:
      • "htop"
      • "mc" set_root_pass: "installer10" cpu_count_for_make_squashfs_again: 10

      #keyboard XKBMODEL: pc105 #language XKBLAYOUT: de #key variants XKBVARIANT: nodeadkeys #other options XKBOPTIONS: "" #backspace a few use guess BACKSPACE: "" hostname: installer-strange

Description of Variables to be set

#path were the source iso copied manual or will downloaded to when url is given in download public url. The sorce path is basedir from iso file. the tmp path path_to_src_iso_file_with_filename: /tmp/iso/debian11.iso

#destination iso path with filename eg. to an tftpd folder. the folder must not exist. it will creates if not exist path_to_dest_iso_filename: /srv/tftp/images/debianlive_ssh/x86_64/debianlive_ssh.iso

#this is the folder were squash initrd etc are. on debian this folder calls live and linux mint its called casper live_folder_name: "live/"

#cleans only the workind dir where the extracted an recreates squashfs file is in at start clean_working_dir: False

#clean tmp folder after fisnish all clean_tmp_folder: False

#enable_download, if enable iso will be downloaded from source given in download_public_iso_url enable_download: False

#how many cores should use for rebuild the squash.fs (with one core it clould take an hour or longer, but its an cpu expensive progress. So be carefull how many cores you use ) cpu_count_for_make_squashfs_again: 1

#url for iso file download_public_iso_url:

#will install open_ssh server and enables root login per password, if it set true, default is false install_ssh_server: false

#package list to inject packages_to_install: [] #do not change working_dir: "{{ path_to_src_iso_file_with_filename | dirname }}/work/" #end do not change #assign root pass. If root pass emty it will be untouched set_root_pass: "" #if hostname empty hosts file and hostname file is untocuhed hostname: "" #keyboardlayout #keyboadmodel XKBMODEL: pc105 #language XKBLAYOUT: de #key variants XKBVARIANT: nodeadkeys #other options XKBOPTIONS: "" #backspace a few use guess BACKSPACE: ""


Injects configs und Packages into Debian/ubuntu based Live ISOs

ansible-galaxy install stefanhacker/ansible-inject-packages-into-iso
GitHub repository