

This role makes your machine act as Bluetooth audio sink (over A2DP). Note: All paired devices (i.e. potential audio sources) are automatically trusted. This might have severe security implications. This is realized by a systemd service running btrust. For configuration, read through the role variables documented below.


An apt based system like Ubuntu or Debian.


This role can also update btrust to a desired version. To do so, just change the btrust source specification and the a2dp_sink_btrust_version variable accordingly, and then reapply this role.

Role Variables

Name Default Description
a2dp_sink_btrust_binary_url undefined See source specification
a2dp_sink_btrust_archive_url undefined See source specification
a2dp_sink_btrust_github_repo haslersn/btrust See source specification
a2dp_sink_btrust_checksum sha256:960b5dcc90714df217e4c68fdfb1f874f36418655599233310c1a5d3e1837009 Checksum of the downloaded archive or binary
a2dp_sink_btrust_version 0.1.0 See source specification
a2dp_sink_user a2dp-sink The user that runs any service installed by this role.
a2dp_sink_enable_switch_on_connect True Whether to load the PulseAudio module switch-on-connect.
a2dp_sink_a2dp_sink_adapter_name A2DP sink Name of this Bluetooth device.
a2dp_sink_disable_sap_server True Whether to disable the sap server plugin of bluetoothd

Source Specification

There are multiple ways to specify the source from which btrust should be downloaded. Chosing among them is done by providing exactly one of the following role variables. Actually, multiple of those role variables can be provided, but then only the one listed here first is considered.

  • btrust_binary_url: Download a precompiled binary from that URL. You should anyway set btrust_version to a value that's unique for that version. This is because btrust is only re-downloaded, when the btrust_version role variable changes.
  • btrust_archive_url: Build from source. The source is downloaded as an archive from that URL. The downloaded archive must contain a folder named btrust-{{ btrust_version }} which contains in turn the source that can be compiled with cargo build. The compilation yields a binary named btrust which is then installed.
  • btrust_github_repo: Short form for btrust_archive_url: https://github.com/{{ btrust_github_repo }}/archive/{{ btrust_version }}.tar.gz.

Example Playbook

The following playbook works if ~/.cache/stuvus exists on the localhost.

- hosts: mpd01
    - role: a2dp-sink
      global_cache_dir: "{{ lookup('env', 'HOME') }}/.cache/stuvus"

      a2dp_sink_adapter_name: stuvus-BT
      a2dp_sink_user: stuvus-mpd
      a2dp_sink_btrust_version: 0.1.0
      a2dp_sink_btrust_binary_url: https://github.com/haslersn/btrust/releases/download/{{ a2dp_sink_btrust_version }}/btrust-aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu
      a2dp_sink_btrust_checksum: sha256:ae3cc2894c98e469644bc64763c4fcaa7a16972fa423c61f44f0fd329b1f9f27

Headless Bluetooth audio sink (A2DP)

ansible-galaxy install stuvusIT/a2dp-sink
GitHub repository
stuvus IT Team - Studierendenvertretung Universität Stuttgart