

This role installs and configures an Icingaweb 2 installation with PostgreSQL (both for the Icingaweb 2 database and for the IDO). Icinga 2 will not be installed.


Debian or Ubuntu with a web server and PHP. PHP needs to enable the intl and curl modules and set the timezone in php.ini.

Role Variables

Name Default/Required Description
icingaweb2_unix_group www-data Unix group under which your webserver and PHP run (used for file ownership)
icingaweb2_module_path /usr/share/icingaweb2/modules Search path for Icingaweb 2 modules
icingaweb2_modules [ doc, monitoring ] Icingaweb 2 modules to enable
icingaweb2_modules_to_clone {} Name-URL dict of modules to clone and automatically enable
icingaweb2_show_stacktraces false Show stacktraces in the UI
icingaweb2_config_backend ini Backend to use for user configurations
icingaweb2_config_resource (:heavy_check_mark:) (Only for db config backend) Database resource to use for user configurations
icingaweb2_module_path /usr/share/icingaweb2/modules Search path for Icingaweb 2 modules
icingaweb2_log syslog Log target to use
icingaweb2_log_level WARNING Minimum log level to log
icingaweb2_log_file (:heavy_check_mark:) (Only for file log) File path to log to
icingaweb2_log_application icingaweb2 Syslog application to log under
icingaweb2_log_facility user Syslog facility to log under
icingaweb2_theme Icinga Default theme for the Web UI
icingaweb2_theme_disabled false Prevent users from changing the theme in the Web UI
icingaweb2_default_domain Default domain for login
icingaweb2_resources [ ] List of resource configurations (see below)
icingaweb2_authentications [ ] List of authentications (see below)
icingaweb2_roles [ ] List of roles (see below)
icingaweb2_group_configs [ ] List of group configurations (see below)
icingaweb2_monitoring_backends [ ] List of monitoring backends (see below)
icingaweb2_monitoring_transports [ ] List of command transports (see below)
icingaweb2_monitoring_protected_vars [ ] List of protected variables (will not be shown in the UI)
icingaweb2_configure_postgres true Also configure the PostgreSQL databases (Create user and DB, import schema, optionally grant IDO privileges
icingaweb2_postgres_grant_ido true Grant read privileges to the PostgreSQL IDO database
icingaweb2_postgres_login_host localhost PostgreSQL host to connect to for configuring PostgreSQL
icingaweb2_postgres_login_user localhost PostgreSQL user to connect to for configuring PostgreSQL
icingaweb2_postgres_login_password PostgreSQL password to connect to for configuring PostgreSQL
icingaweb2_postgres_user icingaweb2 PostgreSQL user for Icingaweb 2
icingaweb2_postgres_database icingaweb2 PostgreSQL database for Icingaweb 2
icingaweb2_postgres_ido_name icinga2 Name of the IDO database


Each resource consists of:

Name Default/Required Description
name :heavy_check_mark: Name of the resource
type :heavy_check_mark: Type of the resource
db (:heavy_check_mark:) (Only for db) Database system of the resource
host (:heavy_check_mark:) (Only for db and ldap) Database host to connect to
port (:heavy_check_mark:) (Only for db and ldap) Database port to connect to
username (:heavy_check_mark:) (Only for db and ssh) User to connect with
password (:heavy_check_mark:) (Only for db) Database password to connect with
dbname (:heavy_check_mark:) (Only for db) Database name to connect to
persistent false (Only for db) Use persistent connections
charset (Only for db) Charset of the database
ssl_cert (Only for db mysql) Public SSL certificate to connect with
ssl_key (Only for db mysql) Private SSL key to connect with
ssl_ca (Only for db mysql) Path to the CA certificate of the MySQL server
ssl_capath (Only for db mysql) Directory that is searched for CA certificate files
ssl_cipher (Only for db mysql) Ciphers to use for MySQL SSL connection
root_dn (:heavy_check_mark:) (Only for ldap) Base DN of the LDAP tree
bind_dn (Only for ldap) DN to connect with
bind_pw (Only for ldap) Password of the DN to connect with
encryption (Only for ldap) Encryption type to use for the connection
private_key (Only for ssh) Path to the private key to connect with
filename (:heavy_check_mark:) (Only for file) Path to the file to read
fields (:heavy_check_mark:) (Only for file) Field separator in the file
socket (:heavy_check_mark:) (Only for livestatus) Path of the livestatus socket


Each role configuration consists of:

Name Default/Required Description
name :heavy_check_mark: Name of the role
users [ ] Users to add to the role
groups [ ] Groups to add to the role
permissions [ ] Permissions to grant to the role
share_users [ ] Users this role may share dashboards with (none means all)
share_groups [ ] Groups this role may share dashboards with (none means all)
object_filter Filter for the objects this role can see
prop_blacklist List of attributes this role may not see


Each authentication consists of:

Name Default/Required Description
name :heavy_check_mark: Name of the authentication
backend :heavy_check_mark Authentication backend to use
domain Domain of the authentication
strip_username_regexp (Only for external) Regexp to strip the username with
resource (:heavy_check_mark:) (Only for db, ldap and msldap) Authentication resource to use
user_class (Only for ldap and msldap) Object class of users
user_name_attribute (Only for ldap and msldap) LDAP attribute for usernames
filter (Only for ldap and msldap) LDAP filter


Each group configuration consists of:

Name Default/Required Description
name :heavy_check_mark: Name of the group configuration
resource :heavy_check_mark: Name of the resource for the group
user_class (Only for ldap and msldap) Object class for users
user_name_attribute (Only for ldap and msldap) LDAP attribute for usernames
group_class (Only for ldap and msldap) Object class for groups
group_name_attribute (Only for ldap and msldap) LDAP attribute for group names
group_member_attribute (Only for ldap and msldap) LDAP attribute for user membership in a group
group_filter (Only for ldap and msldap) LDAP filter for group search
nested_group_search false (Only for ldap and msldap) Also try to query nested groups

Monitoring backends

Each monitoring backend consists of:

Name Default/Required Description
resource :heavy_check_mark: Name of the resource for the IDO
user_class false Whether the backend is disabled

Monitoring command transports

Each command transport consists of:

Name Default/Required Description
name :heavy_check_mark: Name of this transport
transport local Type of this transport (local, remote, or api)
path :heavy_check_mark: Path to the command socket
host (:heavy_check_mark:) (Only for remote and api) Host to connect to
port remote: 22; api: 5665 (Only for remote and api) Port to connect to
user (:heavy_check_mark:) (Only for remote and api) Username to connect with
password (:heavy_check_mark:) (Only for api) Password to connect with

Example Playbook

- hosts: icinga
  - icingaweb2
       - name: icingaweb_db
         type: db
         db: pgsql
         port: 5432
         dbname: icingaweb2
         username: icingaweb2
         password: secret
         charset: UTF-8
       - name: ido
         type: pgsql

       - name: db
         backend: db
         resource: icingaweb_db

       - name: db
         backend: db
         resource: icingaweb_db

       - name: Icinga Administrators
           - admins
           - "*"

       - name: icinga
         resource: ido

       - name: localpipe
         path: /var/run/icinga2/cmd/icinga2.cmd

       spring: https://github.com/Mikesch-mp/icingaweb2-theme-spring


This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Author Information

ansible-galaxy install stuvusIT/icingaweb2
GitHub repository
stuvus IT Team - Studierendenvertretung Universität Stuttgart