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A role for managing packages on different operating systems.

This role currently supports apt, yum, dnf, brew, zypper, pacman and portage. Feel free to send a pull or feature request to add your favorite package manager!


  • This role handles name differences between package managers but not between distributions using the same package manager.
  • Test coverage is rather small so please do report bugs!


  • Hosts should be bootstrapped for ansible usage (have python,...)
  • Root privileges, eg become: yes

Role Variables

Variable Description Default value
package_list List of packages (see details!) []
package_list_host List of packages (see details!) []
package_list_group List of packages (see details!) []
package_state Default package state 'present'
package_update_cache Update the cache? yes
package_cache_valid_time How long is the package cache valid? (seconds) 3600

package_list details

package_list, package_list_host and package_list_group are merged when managing the packages. You can use the host and group lists to specify packages per host or group.

The package list allows you to define which packages must be managed. Each item in the list can have following attributes:

Variable Description required
name Package name yes
state Package state no
apt Package name for apt no
apt_ignore Ignore package for apt no
apt_install_recommends Whether to install recommended dependencies apt no
yum Package name for yum no
yum_ignore Ignore package for yum no
dnf Package name for dnf no
dnf_ignore Ignore package for dnf no
brew Package name for brew no
brew_ignore Ignore package for brew no
zypper Package name for zypper no
zypper_ignore Ignore package for zypper no
pacman Package name for pacman no
pacman_ignore Ignore package for pacman no
portage Package name for portage no
portage_ignore Ignore package for portage no

By default package_state and are used when managing the packages. If however item.state is defined or a more specific package name (eg item.apt) these will be used instead. If you want a package to be ignored for some package managers you can add ***_ignore: yes.

package_list example
  - name: package
  - name: package1
    state: absent
  - name: package2
    apt: package2_apt_name
  - name: package3
    apt_ignore: yes
    yum: package3_yum_name
    pacman: package3_pacman_name
    portage: package3_portage_name



Example Playbook

- hosts: servers
  - { role: GROG.package,
      become: yes,
        package_list: [
          { name: htop,
            brew: htop-osx },
          { name: tree }


All assistance, changes or ideas welcome!


By G. Roggemans




A role for installing packages on different operating systems.

ansible-galaxy install taktus/package
GitHub repository