
Ansible Role: oh-my-zsh

Installs and configures the zsh shell and oh-my-zsh.

Role Variables

Available variables are listed below, along with default values (see defaults/main.yml):


A list of user accounts to update. All accounts listed will have oh-my-zsh installed as well as a .zshrc file copied into place.

Default: ohmyzsh_install_users: []


A list of accounts for whom the default shell should be updated too. These accounts will have the login shell changed to zsh.

Default: ohmyzsh_shell_users: []


Which theme to use. See oh-my-zsh/wiki/Themes for the choices. Currently this is a global setting for all user accounts affected. This role does not currently support setting themes per user.

Default ohmyzsh_theme: gentoo


Any aliases to add to the bottom of .zshrc. This is also global for all user accounts updated.

Default: ohmyzsh_aliases: []


A list of oh-my-zsh plugins to enable in .zshrc. This is also global for all user accounts updated. See the oh-my-zsh documentation for available plugins.

Default: ohmyzsh_plugins: []


Get oh-my-zsh source from either the local copy on the Ansible host, OR from Github.

Default: ohmyzsh_syncmode: local

Possible values: local | github
(any other value will break things).

Example Playbook

- hosts: all
  gather_facts: True
    - { role: oh-my-zsh, 
        ohmyzsh_install_users: [ zaphod ]


Forked from opdavies/ansible-role-ohmyzsh - And updated to work on CentOS/EL based systems.

Additional changes noted below...


  1. This role has some unique design and implementation goals compared to the one it was forked from and other zsh/oh-my-zsh roles available.

    It assumes that the target hosts may not have direct Internet access or may prefer to get all files internally for some other reason.

    As such, by default it syncs a local copy of the oh-my-zsh repository from the role itself to the host. (Rather than from Github).

    Alternatively you can toggle to do a git clone instead as normal.

  2. To cater for the local sync option, auto-updating is disabled within oh-my-zsh. This may not suit everyone. You have been warned.


Installs and configures zsh with oh-my-zsh. Forked from similar role by Oliver Davies.

ansible-galaxy install techdad/ansible-role-ohmyzsh
GitHub repository