
Ansible Role: Unattended Upgrades

An ansible role to set up unattended upgrades on Ubuntu. Only security updates are enabled by default.


This role has been tested on Ubuntu 16.04 and Ubuntu 16.10 only.

For Debian, you might need to change the unattended_origins_patterns value as the default targes Ubuntu.

Unattended Mail

If you set unattended_mail to an e-mail address, make sure mailx command is available and your system is able to send e-mails.

Automatic Reboot

If you enable automatic reboot feature (unattended_automatic_reboot), the role will attempt to install update-notifier-common package, which is required on some systems for detecting and executing reboot after the upgrade. You may optionally define a specific time for rebooting (unattended_automatic_reboot_time).


  • unattended_origins_patterns: array of origins patterns to determine whether the package can be automatically installed, for more details see Origins Patterns below.
    • Default: ['origin=Ubuntu,archive=${distro_codename}-security']
  • unattended_package_blacklist: packages which won't be automatically upgraded
    • Default: []
  • unattended_autofix_interrupted_dpkg: whether on unclean dpkg exit to run dpkg --force-confold --configure -a
    • Default: true
  • unattended_minimal_steps: split the upgrade into the smallest possible chunks so that they can be interrupted with SIGUSR1.
    • Default: false
  • unattended_install_on_shutdown: install all unattended-upgrades when the machine is shuting down.
    • Default: false
  • unattended_mail: e-mail address to send information about upgrades or problems with unattended upgrades
    • Default: false (don't send any e-mail)
  • unattended_mail_only_on_error: send e-mail only on errors, otherwise e-mail will be sent every time there's a package upgrade.
    • Default: false
  • unattended_remove_unused_dependencies: do automatic removal of new unused dependencies after the upgrade.
    • Default: false
  • unattended_automatic_reboot: Automatically reboot system if any upgraded package requires it, immediately after the upgrade.
    • Default: false
  • unattended_automatic_reboot_time: Automatically reboot system if any upgraded package requires it, at the specific time (HH:MM) instead of immediately after the upgrade.
    • Default: false
  • unattended_ignore_apps_require_restart: unattended-upgrades won't automatically upgrade some critical packages requiring restart after an upgrade (i.e. there is XB-Upgrade-Requires: app-restart directive in their debian/control file). With this option set to true, unattended-upgrades will upgrade these packages regardless of the directive.
    • Default: false

Origins Patterns

Origins Pattern is a more powerful alternative to the Allowed Origins option used in previous versions of unattended-upgrade.

Pattern is composed from specific keywords:

  • a,archive,suite – e.g. stable, trusty-security (archive=stable)
  • c,component – e.g. main, crontrib, non-free (component=main)
  • l,label – e.g. Debian, Debian-Security, Ubuntu
  • o,origin – e.g. Debian, Unofficial Multimedia Packages, Ubuntu
  • n,codename – e.g. jessie, jessie-updates, trusty (this is only supported with unattended-upgrades >= 0.80)
  • site – e.g.

You can review the available repositories using apt-cache policy and debug your choice using unattended-upgrades -d command on a target system.

Additionally unattended-upgrades support two macros (variables), derived from /etc/debian_version:

  • ${distro_id} – Installed distribution name, e.g. Debian or Ubuntu.
  • ${distro_codename} – Installed codename, e.g. jessie or trusty.

Using ${distro_codename} should be preferred over using stable or oldstable as a selected, as once stable moves to oldstable, no security updates will be installed at all, or worse, package from a newer distro release will be installed by accident. The same goes for upgrading your installation from oldstable to stable, if you forget to change this in your origin patterns, you may not receive the security updates for your newer distro release. With ${distro_codename}, both cases can never happen.

Usage Example

- hosts: all
      - 'origin=Ubuntu,archive=${distro_codename}-security'
      - 'o=Ubuntu,a=${distro_codename}-updates'
    unattended_package_blacklist: [cowsay, vim]
    unattended_mail: '[email protected]'
    - setup_unattended_upgrades

Patterns Examples

By default, only security updates are allowed. You can add more patterns to allow unattended-updates install more packages automatically, however be aware that automated major updates may potentially break your system.

In Ubuntu, archive always contains the distribution codename

  - 'origin=Ubuntu,archive=${distro_codename}-security'
  - 'o=Ubuntu,a=${distro_codename}'
  - 'o=Ubuntu,a=${distro_codename}-updates'
  - 'o=Ubuntu,a=${distro_codename}-proposed-updates'



Author Information

This role was created by TheDumbTechGuy ( twitter | blog | galaxy )


This role was built upon the original work of:


Configure unattended upgrades for Linux.

ansible-galaxy install thedumbtechguy.unattended-upgrades
GitHub repository