
Ansible Role: Unattended Upgrade

This role configures unattended upgrades on Debian/Ubuntu, RHEL/CentOS and Fedora servers.

Ansible Role: Unattended Upgrade Ansible Role: Unattended Upgrade Ansible Role: Unattended Upgrade

Here be Dragons!

This is my humble approach on unifying updates across distributions. This is more or less a work in progress so be sure to review the role thoroughly. If you are looking for just one OS family like Debian or CentOS you might want to look at the projects linked in the Acknowledgements.

Known issues



No special requirements; note that this role requires root access, so either run it in a playbook with a global become: yes, or invoke the role in your playbook like:

- hosts: foobar
    - role: thorian93.unattended-upgrade
      become: yes

Role Variables

Available variables can be found in defaults/main.yml. There are many currently to list them all here.



OS Compatibility

This role ensures that it is not used against unsupported or untested operating systems by checking, if the right distribution name and major version number are present in a dedicated variable named like <role-name>_stable_os. You can find the variable in the role's default variable file at defaults/main.yml:

  - Debian 10
  - Ubuntu 18
  - CentOS 7
  - Fedora 30

If the combination of distribution and major version number do not match the target system, the role will fail. To allow the role to work add the distribution name and major version name to that variable and you are good to go. But please test the new combination first!

Kudos to HarryHarcourt for this idea!

Example Playbook

- name: "Run role."
  hosts: all
  become: yes
    - ansible-role-unattended-upgrade


This role is a combined approach for all major distributions inspired by the following two roles:


Please feel free to open issues if you find any bugs, problems or if you see room for improvement. Also feel free to contact me anytime if you want to ask or discuss something.


This role is provided AS IS and I can and will not guarantee that the role works as intended, nor can I be accountable for any damage or misconfiguration done by this role. Study the role thoroughly before using it.



Author Information

This role was created in 2020 by Thorian93.

ansible-galaxy install thorian93/ansible-role-unattended-upgrade
GitHub repository
Greetings earthlings! I am a young Linux, IT and tech enthusiast and currently I am working as a checkmk consultant for Checkmk.