
Ansible Role: teslamate

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Ansible Role for TeslaMate installation inside Docker with docker-compose.

Available TeslaMate roles

I provide two types of TeslaMate Ansible roles.

The first Ansible role is for setting up TeslaMate inside an docker environment with docker-compose.

The second Ansible role is for installation of TeslaMate on a bare Linux OS by compiling the code, etc.


This role requires an existing running docker environment to be ready to be used.

Role Variables

Available variables are listed below, that need to be set for a setup to be completed. All default values can be found in defaults/main.yml.

Define the domain names that you want to use, to access both web services.

fqdn_teslamate: ""
fqdn_grafana: ""

Set the admin username and admin password for your Grafana installation.

grafana_admin_username: ""
grafana_admin_password: ""

Generated credentials that are used for communications between applications and the database. Use a good randomized password!

postgresql_database_username: ""
postgresql_database_password: ""

Specify your local timezone, if you don't want to use Stockholm. Work out your timezone name using the TZ database name in the linked Wikipedia page.

teslamate_timezone: "Europe/Stockholm"


This role does only setup the parts that are required for TeslaMate inside Docker.

Docker itself with docker-compose and an webserver in front of that is still something, that you need to install for yourself as well, if you don't want to use Traefik inside Docker.

Ansible role to install required basics:

Ansible roles for a webservers:

Example Playbook

- name: teslamate.yml
  hosts: all
    - fqdn_teslamate: "teslamate.example.com"
    - fqdn_grafana: "grafana.example.com"
    - grafana_admin_username: "putsomefunnyadminusername"
    - grafana_admin_password: "asupersecretadminpassword"
    - postgresql_database_username: "somedatabaseusername"
    - postgresql_database_password: "asupersecretpassword"
    - tobiasehlert.teslamate



Author Information

This role was created in 2020 by Tobias Lindberg.


TeslaMate installation inside Docker with docker-compose

ansible-galaxy install tobiasehlert/ansible-role-teslamate
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Senior Consultant | Developer | Father | Tesla enthusiast | Creator of TibiaData