Nginx with http2 support
This role compiles Nginx from source with HTTP/2 support and the following optional modules:
- pagespeed
- lua
- upload progress
The steps for compiling openssl and nginx with http/2 support were taken from AJMaxwell's bash script ( There are only a few modifications to the dependencies. Credit also goes to mrbdmm who came up with the initial steps in a DigitalOcean thread:
Supported Distributons
This was only tested in Ubuntu 16.04 (xenial) and Debian 8 (jessie).
You will need to configure SSL and update the nginx virtual host file.
Role Variables
There is one manadatory variable you have to set:
destination: /home/user
We need to run some of the compilation commands (such as make test) as unpriviledged user. The best way to do that is to download everything in a user's home folder rather than a more typical destination like /opt
And some optional variables with the versions you want to install. If not specified it will default to the following:
nginx_version: 1.11.2
openssl_version: 1.0.2j
luajit_version: 2.0.4
luajit_major_version: 2.0
lua_nginx_module_version: 0.10.7
ngx_devel_kit_version: 0.3.0
ngx_upload_progress_version: '0.9.2'
Optional modules included:
include_lua: true
include_pagespeed: true
include_upload_progress: true
Example Playbook
This is how you would use this in your playbook:
- hosts: servers
include_lua: false # to compile without lua
destination: /home/user
- { role: tzumby.nginx-http2 }