Ansible role for install and configure kanboard
- This role not install
,php extentions
you must first install them yourself see additional - Web server must have permission for readable and executable in the kanboard dir
- If you want to use an external DB such as (Mysql/PostgreSQL) install the selected DB before the run role
Tested on RHEL 7, CentOS 7/8
- ansible 2.6 or above
- PHP 7.2 or above
- nginx
Role Variables
It is not necessary to use all these variable blocks, you can use only the config options you really need.
Available variables are be listed below, along with default values. See defaults/main.yml.
You can change all variables by group_vars or host_vars
Variable name | Required* | Description | Default Value |
kanboard_version |
Yes | Version of the installing kanboard software | 1.2.14 |
kanboard_user |
No | OS user name | nginx |
kanboard_group |
No | OS group name | nginx |
kanboard_secure_install |
No | Remove not safety files | true |
kanboard_session_duration |
No | session duration | 0 |
kanboard_security_config_map |
No | dictionary of security setting | {} |
kanboard_bin_path |
No | kanboard binary dir | /usr/share/nginx/kanboard |
kanboard_data_path |
No | Kanboard data dir | /usr/share/nginx/kanboard/data |
kanboard_log_path |
No | kanboard log dir | /var/log/kanboard |
kanboard_plugin_path |
No | kanboard plugin dir | /usr/share/nginx/kanboard/plugins |
kanboard_download_tmp |
No | temp dir for download kanboard | /tmp/kanboard |
kanboard_log_driver |
No | log driver for kanboard | file |
kanboard_logrotate_freq |
No | how many days keep logs | 7 |
kanboard_backend |
No | backend DB for kanboard | sqlite |
kanboard_ldap_config_map |
No | dictionary of ldap setting | {} |
If your want use Mysql/PostgeSQL for backend you must set additional variables:
Variable name | Required* | Description | Default Value |
kanboard_db_host |
Yes | DB hostname | localhost |
kanboard_db_port |
No | DB port | depends of DB type |
kanboard_db_username |
Yes | DB username | kanboard |
kanboard_db_password |
Yes | DB password | "" |
kanboard_db_name |
No | DB name | kanboard |
Ldap kanboard parameters see on ldap
Dictionary kanboard_ldap_config_map
Variable name | Required* | Default Value |
ldap_server |
Yes | |
ldap_port |
No | 389 |
ldap_ssl_verify |
No | true |
ldap_start_tls |
No | false |
ldap_username_case_sensitive |
No | false |
ldap_bind_type |
No | anonymous |
ldap_username |
No | null |
ldap_password |
No | null |
ldap_user_base_dn |
Yes | |
ldap_user_filter |
Yes | |
ldap_user_attribute_username |
No | uid |
ldap_user_attribute_fullname |
No | cn |
ldap_user_attribute_email |
No | |
ldap_user_attribute_groups |
No | memberOf |
ldap_user_attribute_photo |
No | |
ldap_user_attribute_language |
No | |
ldap_user_creation |
No | true |
ldap_group_admin_dn |
Yes | |
ldap_group_manager_dn |
Yes | |
ldap_group_provider |
No | false |
ldap_group_base_dn |
Yes | |
ldap_group_filter |
Yes | |
ldap_group_user_filter |
Yes | |
ldap_group_user_attribute |
No | username |
ldap_group_attribute_name |
No | cn |
Security kanboard parameters see on security
Dictionary kanboard_security_config_map
Variable name | Required* | Default Value |
remember_me_auth |
No | true |
enable_hsts |
No | true |
enable_xframe |
No | true |
bruteforce_captcha |
No | 3 |
bruteforce_lockdown |
No | 6 |
bruteforce_lockdown_duration |
No | 15 |
*Required - if "yes", you need to set this parameter under your conditions.
All configuration parameters you can see on the kanboard documentation
- for install nginx you can use this role nginxinc.nginx
- for install php and extensions you can use this role geerlingguy.php
For example:
- name: Install php and nginx
- kanbord.example.com
become: yes
become_method: sudo
- nginxinc.nginx
- geerlingguy.repo-remi
- geerlingguy.php-versions
- geerlingguy.php
php_version: '7.3'
php_webserver_daemon: "nginx"
php_packages_state: "latest"
- php
- php-cli
- php-fpm
- php-json
- php-gd
- php-mbstring
- php-pgsql
- php-xml
- php-ldap
- php-zip
Example Playbook
- name: Install kanboard
- kanbord.example.com
become: yes
become_method: sudo
- vitcheus.kanboard
kanboard_version: "1.2.13"
kanboard_user: nginx
kanboard_backend: postgres
kanboard_db_host: db.example.com
kanboard_db_port: 5432
kanboard_db_name: kanboard
kanboard_db_username: kanboard
kanboard_db_password: password
ldap_server: ldap.example.com
ldap_bind_type: proxy
ldap_username: "uid=technical,cn=users,cn=accounts,dc=example,dc=com"
ldap_password: password
ldap_user_base_dn: "cn=users,cn=accounts,dc=example,dc=com"
ldap_user_filter: "(&(objectClass=inetorgperson)(uid=%s)(memberOf=CN=kanboard-users,cn=groups,cn=accounts,dc=example,dc=com))"
ldap_username_case_sensitive: true
ldap_group_admin_dn: "cn=kanboard-administrators,cn=groups,cn=accounts,dc=example,dc=com"
ldap_group_manager_dn: "cn=kanboard-manager,cn=groups,cn=accounts,dc=example,dc=com"
ldap_group_provider: true
ldap_group_base_dn: "cn=groups,cn=accounts,dc=example,dc=com"
ldap_group_filter: "(&(objectClass=groupofnames)(cn=%s*))"
ldap_group_user_filter: "(&(objectClass=groupofnames)(member=uid=%s,cn=users,cn=accounts,dc=example,dc=com))"
remember_me_auth: false
bruteforce_lockdown: 8
bruteforce_lockdown_duration: 30
ansible-galaxy install vitcheus/ansible-kanboard