
Let's Encrypt (acme.sh)

This role installs acme.sh and generates certificates with it. Acme.sh is a useful, versatile, lightweight shell script for interacting with Let's Encrypt (a so-called ACME Client). It supports many Let's Encrypt challenge types, including dns-01, which allows domain verification through a TXT record in DNS. This lets you generate certificates for non-public domains, and acme.sh can automatically process this challenge (with Certbot, you must manually create TXT records).


  • Git. A role like geerlingguy.git will install this for you.
  • Assumes that you are using acme.sh 2.7.4+ (if you change the version via role configuration, it may break).
  • Ownership of the domains you wish to validate
  • An essential understanding of how acme.sh works. I recommend visiting the project page linked above and understanding your desired command invocation. This role lets you override most of it so that you can take advantage of its features.
  • Proper webserver configuration. This is your responsibility.

Role Variables

See defaults/main.yml. It is important to read the notes on how to configure the role. Namely, you will want to ensure that acme_sh_env is changed from the default value (which points to the ACME staging server), at least when you want to generate real SSL certificates.


Currently none.

Example Playbook

- hosts: all
    - role: wizonesolutions.letsencrypt
      # To use the production ACME server.
      acme_sh_env: ''
      acme_sh_account_email: '[email protected]'
      acme_sh_primary_domain: 'example.com.com'
      acme_sh_key_file: '/etc/nginx/certs/{{ acme_sh_primary_domain }}_key.pem'
      acme_sh_fullchain_file: '/etc/nginx/certs/{{ acme_sh_primary_domain }}_fullchain.pem'
      acme_sh_reloadcmd: 'service nginx force-reload'



Author Information

Kevin Kaland (WizOne Solutions)

Sponsored by Project Ricochet: Drupal Development and Meteor Development, Bay Area


Installs and runs the acme.sh Let's Encrypt client.

ansible-galaxy install wizonesolutions/ansible-role-letsencrypt
GitHub repository