

Installs and configures the MariaDB database server. Creates databases and users.


For automatic ensuring of the packages, see variable php_ensure_requirements.


Role Variables

  • mariadb_ensure_requirements
    Provides for the installation of the packages listed in section requirements.
    Type: bool
    Default: no

  • mariadb_enabled_on_startup
    Defines if the MariaDB service should be enabled.
    Type: bool
    Default: yes

  • mariadb_secure_installation
    Defines whether the "secure installation" section should be executed, similar to MariaDB's "secure_installation" script.
    Choices: on_install, always, never
    Default: on_install

  • mariadb_config_style
    Defines the configuration style.
    single_cnf means that only the global mariadb.cnf file is filled, include files will not be touched, while included_cnf ensures the existence of the mariadb.conf.d directory and manages the include files in addition to a minimal configuration of mariadb.cnf. With none is no configuration carried out.
    Choices: single_cnf, included_cnf, none
    Default: single_cnf

  • mariadb_root_username
    Username of the MariaDB's root user. For normal reason it should be root.
    Type: str
    Default: root

  • mariadb_root_password
    Password for the MariaDB's root user.
    Type: str
    Default: undefined

  • mariadb_root_auth_by_unix_socket
    Defines whether the unix_socket authentication plugin is activated for root user or not.
    Type: bool
    Default: yes

  • mariadb_root_home
    Home directory of the root user. This value is only used if root password is used without unix_socket auth, so the .my.cnf file with auth username and password is saved to root's home directory.
    Type: str
    Default: /root

  • mariadb_root_auth_update
    The authentication methods for root are set during installation or when this variable is set to true.
    In the case of authentication with a password, this means that this only needs to be present once during installation, but no longer afterwards, or only if it is changed.
    Type: bool
    Default: no

  • mariadb_admin_username
    Username of an admin user, next to the root user.
    This could be an admin user for Ansible so that Ansible can make administrative changes to the database without having to act as root.
    Type: str
    Default: undefined

  • mariadb_admin_password
    Password of the admin user.
    Type: str
    Default: undefined

  • mariadb_admin_sysuser
    System user name for the user from which the database is to be used as admin.
    Type: str
    Default: undefined

  • mariadb_admin_home
    Home directory of the system user. The .my.cnf file with the authentication data of the database admin user is saved in this directory.
    Type: str
    Default: undefined

  • mariadb_config
    Describes the configuration for MariaDB, organized into individual files in the case of included_cnf.
    Type: Dict of Dict of Dict
    Default: see defaults/main.yml

        $state: present  # present, disabled, absent
          {option}: {value}
    • cnf_file: Name of the file (without extension) in mariadb.conf.d directory (see variable mariadb_configs_dir).
      Special names:
      • global_cnf is used for config of global mariadb.cnf file, in case of included_cnf config style.
      • single_cnf is used as basis for the single (global) mariadb.cnf file, in case of single_cnf config style.
    • section: The INI section in MariaDB's config file.
      Special names:
      • $state is the state of the config file. Default is present, more choices disabled and absent.
      • $header is printed on top of all sections in the cnf file, but not automatically converted as comment.
    • option: Option within the section.
    • value: Value for the option.
      Special values:
      • If the value is a List, the option is repeated for every list item.
      • $set or an empty string (length == 0) means the option is set without a value.
      • $unset means that the option will not be present in the cnf file.
      • $var(VAR_NAME) means a lookup is performed for the VAR_NAME variable at the time of evaluation.
  • mariadb_config_extra_1, mariadb_config_extra_2, mariadb_config_extra_3
    Exactly the same as mariadb_config. These variables enable additional enrichment of the configuration without having to completely redefine everything. The extra variables overwrite previously defined values, with a higher number outweighing the lower number.
    If a value that is defined in advance is to be removed, this can be done using the special value $unset.
    Default: undefined

  • mariadb_packages
    List of packages to be installed for the MariaDB server.
    Type: List of str
    Default: depends on OS, default see vars/[OS-family].yml

  • mariadb_config_file
    Path of the global mariadb.cnf file.
    Type: str
    Default: depends on OS, default see vars/[OS-family].yml

  • mariadb_configs_dir
    Path of the include directory for the cnf files.
    Type: str
    Default: depends on OS, default see vars/[OS-family].yml

  • mariadb_socket
    Path of the socket file of MariaDB server instance.
    Type: str
    Default: depends on OS, default see vars/[OS-family].yml

  • mariadb_pid_file
    Path of the pid file of MariaDB server instance.
    Type: str
    Default: depends on OS, default see vars/[OS-family].yml

  • mariadb_bind_address
    Bind address for MariaDB server. Is used in default config with $var(...) value.
    Type: str

  • mariadb_datadir
    Is used to ensure the data directory with the permissions.
    In case of changing from default, it needed to be added to the config, e.g. datadir: $var(mariadb_datadir). Type: str
    Default: /var/lib/mysql

  • mariadb_encoding
    Encoding settings for MariaDB config. Is used in default config with $var(...) value.
    Type: str
    Default: utf8mb4

  • mariadb_collation
    Collation settings for MariaDB config. Is used in default config with $var(...) value.
    Type: str
    Default: utf8mb4_general_ci

  • mariadb_databases
    Type: List of Dicts
    Default: []

      - name: example
        encoding: utf8
        collation: utf8_general_ci
        state: present  # present, absent
  • mariadb_users
    Type: List of Dicts
    Default: []

      - name: example
        host: 'localhost'
        password: TOP_secret
        priv: '*.*:USAGE'
        state: present  # present, absent
        append_privs: no  # no, yes
        encrypted: no  # no, yes

Example Playbook

Examples of playbooks using and configuring the role.


GNU General Public License v3.0

Author Information



MariaDB installation and configuration

ansible-galaxy install xolyu/ansible-role-mariadb
GitHub repository