
Ansible Role: gitlab

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An Ansible role for setting up GitLab version 13.0 or newer.


The role uses community.docker.docker_compose module. Therefore, community.docker collection is required on a control node.

The following requirements are needed on a managed node to execute this role:

It's recommended to use yabusygin.docker role for installing all the requirements on the managed node.

Role Variables

Here is a quick variable reference. See Wiki and "Example Playbook" section below for examples.

Docker Configuration

  • gitlab_image -- Docker container image to use. Default value: gitlab/gitlab-ce:latest.
  • gitlab_restart_policy -- Docker container restart policy. Values: always, on-failure, unless-stopped. Docker doesn’t restart a container under any circumstance by default.


  • gitlab_hostname -- domain name of GitLab host. Default value: gitlab.test.
  • gitlab_web_port -- web UI port number. Default value: 80.
  • gitlab_registry_port -- container registry port number. Default value: 5050.
  • gitlab_ssh_port -- Git shell SSH port number. Default value: 22.


  • gitlab_https_enable -- enable HTTPS. Default: no.
  • gitlab_letsencrypt_enable -- enable automated HTTPS with Let’s Encrypt. Default: no.
  • gitlab_https_key -- path to private key on the control host.
  • gitlab_https_cert -- path to certificate chainon the control host.

Outgoing Emails

  • gitlab_email_enable -- enable outgoing emails. Values: yes, no. Default value: no.
  • gitlab_email_from_mailbox -- mailbox value of "From" header in an outgoing email.
  • gitlab_email_from_display_name -- display name value of "From" header in an outgoing email.
  • gitlab_email_reply_to_mailbox -- mailbox value of "Reply-To" header in an outgoing email.
  • gitlab_email_smtp_server_host -- SMTP server name.
  • gitlab_email_smtp_server_port -- SMTP server port.
  • gitlab_email_smtp_transport_security -- transport layer security mechanism. Values: tls (SMTPS), starttls.
  • gitlab_email_smtp_verify_server_cert -- verify SMTP server certificate, when tls or starttls transport layer security mechanism is selected. Default value: yes.
  • gitlab_email_smtp_ca_cert -- local path to CA certificate used to verify SMTP server certificate.
  • gitlab_email_smtp_user_auth_method -- SMTP user authentication method. Values: plain, login, cram_md5.
  • gitlab_email_smtp_user_name -- SMTP user name.
  • gitlab_email_smtp_user_password -- SMTP user passphrase.

Application server (Puma)

Variable reference:

  • gitlab_workers -- number of Puma workers.
  • gitlab_min_threads -- minimum number of Puma threads.
  • gitlab_max_threads -- maximum number of Puma threads.


Variable reference:

  • gitlab_monitoring_whitelist -- a list of addresses/subnets of monitoring endpoints that are allowed to perform healthchecks.


See Gitlab documentation for details.

Automated Backups

  • gitlab_backup_cron_enable -- enable cron job that performs periodic backups. Default value: no.
  • gitlab_backup_cron_minute -- a "minute" field of cron command line. Mandatory variable. See crontab(5).
  • gitlab_backup_cron_hour -- a "hour" field of cron command line. Mandatory variable. See crontab(5).
  • gitlab_backup_cron_day_of_month -- a "day of month" field of cron command line. Default value: *.
  • gitlab_backup_cron_month -- a "month" field of cron command line. Default value: *.
  • gitlab_backup_cron_day_of_week -- a "day of week" field of cron command line. Default value: *.
  • gitlab_backup_cron_docker_cmd -- command that backup cron job uses to invoke Docker Engine. Default: docker.
  • gitlab_backup_cron_docker_compose_cmd -- command that backup cron job uses to invoke Docker Compose. Default: docker compose.

Upload Backups to S3 Compatible Storage

  • gitlab_backup_upload_enable -- enable uploading backups to remote storage. Default value: no.
  • gitlab_backup_upload_s3_region -- AWS region.
  • gitlab_backup_upload_s3_bucket -- S3 bucket to store backup objects. Mandatory variable.
  • gitlab_backup_upload_s3_access_key_id -- access key ID. Mandatory variable.
  • gitlab_backup_upload_s3_secret_access_key -- secret access key. Mandatory variable.
  • gitlab_backup_upload_s3_endpoint -- S3 compatible storage HTTP API endpoint.
  • gitlab_backup_upload_s3_path_style_enable -- use path-style method for accessing a bucket (see Methods for accessing a bucket).

Limit Lifetime of Local Backup Files

  • gitlab_backup_keep_time -- sets gitlab_rails['backup_keep_time'] value.


If yabusygin.docker role is used for installing Docker and other requirements, then it is recommended to enable user namespace remapping (see the example below).

Example Playbook

Default setup (Docker and other requirements are already installed):

- name: set up GitLab
  hosts: gitlab
    - name: set up GitLab
        name: yabusygin.gitlab

Customized with yabusygin.docker role:

- name: set up customized Docker and GitLab
  hosts: gitlab
    - name: set up Docker
        name: yabusygin.docker
        userns-remap: default
        log-driver: json-file
          max-size: 10m
          max-file: "3"

    - name: set up GitLab
        name: yabusygin.gitlab
        gitlab_image: gitlab/gitlab-ee:latest
        gitlab_restart_policy: always

        gitlab_web_port: 3443
        gitlab_registry_port: 5001
        gitlab_ssh_port: 2222

        gitlab_https_enable: yes
        gitlab_https_key: https/gitlab.key.pem
        gitlab_https_cert: https/gitlab.crt.pem

        gitlab_workers: 2
        gitlab_min_threads: 4
        gitlab_max_threads: 4


        gitlab_email_enable: yes
        gitlab_email_from_mailbox: [email protected]
        gitlab_email_from_display_name: GitLab
        gitlab_email_reply_to_mailbox: [email protected]
        gitlab_email_smtp_server_port: 587
        gitlab_email_smtp_transport_security: starttls
        gitlab_email_smtp_user_auth_method: login
        gitlab_email_smtp_user_name: gitlab
        gitlab_email_smtp_user_password: Pa$$w0rD

        gitlab_backup_cron_enable: yes
        gitlab_backup_cron_minute: 0
        gitlab_backup_cron_hour: 2
        gitlab_backup_cron_docker_cmd: /usr/bin/docker
        gitlab_backup_cron_docker_compose_cmd: /usr/local/bin/docker-compose

        gitlab_backup_upload_enable: yes
        gitlab_backup_upload_type: s3
        gitlab_backup_upload_s3_region: ams3
        gitlab_backup_upload_s3_bucket: my.s3.bucket
        gitlab_backup_upload_s3_access_key_id: AKIAKIAKI
        gitlab_backup_upload_s3_secret_access_key: secret123

        gitlab_backup_keep_time: 604800



Author Information

Alexey Busygin <>


An Ansible role for setting up GitLab.

ansible-galaxy install yabusygin/ansible-role-gitlab
GitHub repository