
Found 34 Roles and collections.

galaxy 32 web 20 seek 4 myfair 4 system 2 example 2 hitchhiker 2 consul 2 ansible 2 skeleton 1 development 1 zenodo 1 bioinformatics 1 galaxyng 1 galaxytag 1 pulp 1 cvmfs 1 import 1 laniakea 1 CloudMan 1 node 1 conda 1 nodejs 1 miniconda 1 proxy 1 galaxyproject 1 CentOS 1 RedHat 1

Install and manage the proxy server used by Galaxy for Interactive Environments/Tools
0 stars 22646 downloads
Script that lints TPV rule files and checks if they exist in \ Galaxy's job_conf.yml before copying them to the TPC rules folder
0 stars 10111 downloads
Install and maintain a Miniconda (https://docs.conda.io/en/latest/miniconda.html) installation, and optionally, for Galaxy (https://galaxyproject.org/)
3 stars 6526 downloads