
Found 14 Роли и коллекции.

cron 7 cronjob 5 job 4 jobs 2 cronlist 2 jenkins 2 system 2 dsl 1 schedule 1 bigdata 1 cluster 1 server 1 dataanaysis 1 hadoop 1 lock 1 locks 1 hadoopjobtrackernode 1 script 1 mapreducecluster 1 shell 1 orchestration 1 filewatcher 1 delayed 1 dyndns 1 jenkinsjobs 1 cronjobs 1 jobscore 1 logrotate 1 automation 1 crontab 1

This role removes the .disabled extension that hosting companys sometimes adds to default cronjobs to disable them and save cpu cycles. These cronjobs generally exist for a reason and should be run if there is no reason against it.
5 звезд(ы) 3944 загрузок
Ansible role to manage logrotate config files
0 звезд(ы) 3590 загрузок
create a script that allows to run commands with locks
0 звезд(ы) 1963 загрузок