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ansible-kerberos-server is an Ansible role to easily install a Kerberos Server.

This role is inspired in "bennojoy/kerberos_server" work.


In order to use this Ansible role, you will need:

  • Ansible version >= 2.2 in your deployer machine.
  • Check meta/main.yml if you need to check dependencies.


ansible-kerberos-server is an Ansible role distributed globally using Ansible Galaxy. In order to install ansible-kerberos-server role you can use the following command.

$ ansible-galaxy install AlberTajuelo.kerberos-server


If you want to update the role, you need to pass --force parameter when installing. Please, check the following command:

$ ansible-galaxy install --force AlberTajuelo.kerberos-server

Main workflow

This role does:

  • Download specific Kerberos packages (this packages are os-dependent).
  • Configuring Kerberos Server files:
  • kdc.conf
  • kadm5.acl
  • krb5.conf
  • Create an admin user

Role Variables

| Attribute | Default Value | Description | |--- |--- |--- | | realm_name | REALM.NAME.COM | Realm Name for Kerberos Server | | kdc_port | 88 | Kerberos Key Distribution Center (KDC) port | | master_db_pass | m4st3r_p4ssw0rd | Administrator password | | kadmin_user | defaultuser | Kadmin username | | kadmin_pass | d3f4ultp4ss | Kadmin password |

Example Playbook

In the folder, example you can check an example project that shows how to deploy a Kerberos Server in two hosts.

In order to run it, you will need to have Vagrant and the ansible-kerberos-server role installed. Please check for more information about Vagrant and our Installation section.

$ cd example/my-playbook
$ vagrant up
$ ansible-playbook -i hosts deploy.yml

You can check more advanced examples inside the test folder which are run against Travis-CI.



Future Improvements

  • Possibility to create multiple KDC slaves.
  • Flag to enable/disable to create an admin user.
  • Disable linking "/dev/urandom" to "/dev/random" and use a "secure" random generator tool (could be "haveged"?).
  • Install NTP firstly.
  • Possibility to have multiple KDC ports.
  • Enable/disable enctypes.
  • Adding more ACLs.
  • Create a list of keytabs.

Author Information

AlberTajuelo (@AlberTajuelo)


Create a Kerberos Server fast and easy.

ansible-galaxy install AlberTajuelo/ansible-kerberos-server
GitHub repository