
Ansible Multipass

Ansible role that sets facts to support multi-platform roles.

The following facts will be set when you include this role:

  • host_root_user - The username of the root user (e.g. root).
  • host_root_group - The group of the root user (e.g. root).
  • host_root_home - The home directory of the root user (e.g. /root).
  • host_user_homes - The base directory where user home directories are located (e.g. /home on Linux or /Users on OS X).
  • host_package_manager_paths - Additional directories to be added to the PATH for the host's package manager (e.g. /usr/local/bin: for Homebrew).

Role Variables

All the following variables have defaults and are optional.

Generic defaults

  • multipass_root_user - The generic name of the root user (defaults to root).
  • multipass_root_group - The generic name of the root group (defaults to root).
  • multipass_root_home - The generic home directory of the root user (defaults to /root).
  • multipass_user_homes - The generic base directory where user home directories are located (defaults to /home).

Darwin-specific defaults

  • multipass_darwin_root_user - The name of the root user on Darwin (defaults to root).
  • multipass_darwin_root_group - The name of the root group on Darwin (defaults to wheel).
  • multipass_darwin_root_home - The home directory of the root user on Darwin (defaults to /var/root).
  • multipass_darwin_user_homes - The base directory where user home directories are located on Darwin (defaults to /Users).

Homebrew-specific defaults

  • multipass_homebrew_paths - Additional directories to add to the PATH for Homebrew (defaults to /usr/local/bin:).

MacPorts-specific defaults

  • multipass_macports_paths - Additional directories to add to the PATH for MacPorts (defaults to /opt/local/bin:/opt/local/sbin:).

Example Playbook

- hosts: servers
    - role: AlphaHydrae.multipass

Sets OS-specific facts like the base path for root & user home directories.

ansible-galaxy install AlphaHydrae/ansible-multipass
GitHub repository