
Ansible SSH Key

Ansible role that generates an SSH key for a user.

Setting the ssh_key_root_link to true will also symlink the key into the root user's .ssh directory.

Role Variables

SSH key properties

  • ssh_key_user (or user) - required - The user for which to generate an SSH key (defaults to the value of the user variable).
  • ssh_key_bits [integer] - The number of bits in the generated key (defaults to 8192).
  • ssh_key_comment - The comment at the end of the SSH key block (defaults to {{ ssh_key_user }}@{{ ansible_hostname }}, e.g. jdoe@mycomputer).

Non-root user's SSH key location

  • ssh_key_dir - The .ssh directory where the key will be generated (defaults to {{ host_user_homes }}/{{ ssh_key_user }}/.ssh, where host_user_homes is provided by the AlphaHydrae.multipass role).
  • ssh_key_file - The location of the SSH key file (defaults to {{ ssh_key_dir }}/id_rsa).

Root user's SSH key location

  • ssh_key_root_dir - The .ssh directory of the root user (defaults to {{ host_root_home }}/.ssh; the host_root_home variable is provided by the AlphaHydrae.multipass role).
  • ssh_key_root_file - The location of the root user's SSH key file (defaults to {{ ssh_key_root_dir }}/id_rsa).

Root symlink variables

  • ssh_key_root_link [boolean] - Whether to symlink the generated key into the root user's .ssh directory (defaults to false; has no effect if ssh_key_user is the root user).


The AlphaHydrae.multipass role is used to determine the base directory where user home directories are located. The role sets the following facts to reasonable defaults depending on the target host's platform:

  • host_root_user - The username of the root user (e.g. root).
  • host_root_group - The group of the root user (e.g. root).
  • host_root_home - The home directory of the root user (e.g. /root).
  • host_user_homes - The base directory where user home directories are located (e.g. /home on Linux or /Users on OS X).

Example Playbook

- hosts: servers
    - role: AlphaHydrae.ssh-key
      ssh_key_user: jdoe

Custom SSH key properties

- hosts: servers
    - role: AlphaHydrae.ssh-key
      ssh_key_user: jdoe
      ssh_key_bits: 2048
      ssh_key_comment: my-key

With a default user defined (e.g. at the playbook level)

- hosts: servers
    user: jdoe
    - role: AlphaHydrae.ssh-key

Symlink the key into the root user's .ssh directory

- hosts: servers
    - role: AlphaHydrae.ssh-key
      ssh_key_user: jdoe
      ssh_key_root_link: true

Generates an SSH key for a user.

ansible-galaxy install AlphaHydrae/ansible-ssh-key
GitHub repository