Ansible ISO factory
Making a custom ISO image for Enterprise Linux distributions.
Author Information
- Made and maintained by: Kasra Amirsarvari
- Ansible Galaxy community author:
- Run on a properly configured and up-to-date Linux distribution.
- Ensure proper user permissions to mount ISO files and to edit their contents.
- Ensure sufficient storage space on the machine to work with multiple ISO files including their extracts.
- Ensure a "files" directory exists within the Ansible project directory as it serves as the default location where several folders and files will me made.
- Have at least 1 ISO file ready, preferably from the original vendor.
- Ensure installed packaged:
- Command: mkisofs - Package: genisoimage
- Command: isohybrid - Package: syslinux
- Command: implantisomd5 - Package: isomd5sum
- Command: rsync - Package: rsync
Compatible with the following list of operating systems:
- CentOS 7
- CentOS 8
- RHEL 7.x
- RHEL 8.x
Role Variables
Variable name | Description |
role_isofactory_arena_persistent_build_directory | Optional absolute path to persistent storage location for extracting ISO files. |
role_isofactory_arena_persistent_iso_files_directory | Optional absolute path to persistent storage location for storing ISO files. |
role_isofactory_arena_persistent_iso_mount_directory | Optional absolute path to persistent storage location for mounting an ISO. |
role_isofactory_arena_persistent_build_files_directory | Optional absolute path to persistent storage location for storing build files. |
role_isofactory_iso_file_input | Name of an existing/original ISO file. |
role_isofactory_iso_file_output | Name of the to be created new ISO file |
role_isofactory_iso_file_output_checksum | Name of the file that will contain the checksum of the to be created new ISO file. |
role_isofactory_iso_volume_label | The label for the ISO. This should strictly be the same as shown in the GRUB menu configuration file. |
role_isofactory_cleanup_unmount_iso | Wether to unmount the ISO after the creation of a new ISO is done. |
role_isofactory_cleanup_arena_build_directory | Wether to remove the extracted ISO files after the creation of a new ISO is done. |
role_isofactory_build_file_list | A list of files to put in or to remove from the contents of an ISO file. |
Example Playbook
- name: Create a custom bootable ISO based on an original ISO
hosts: localhost
become: false
gather_facts: false
- import_role:
name: ansible_role_isofactory
role_isofactory_iso_file_input: rhel-server-7.7-x86_64-dvd.iso
role_isofactory_iso_file_output: rhel-server-7.7-x86_64-dvd-custom_base01.iso
role_isofactory_iso_file_output_checksum: rhel-server-7.7-x86_64-dvd-custom_base01.txt
role_isofactory_iso_volume_label: RHEL-7.7 Server.x86_64
role_isofactory_cleanup_unmount_iso: True
role_isofactory_cleanup_arena_build_directory: True
- src: RHEL/RHEL7x_ks_legacy_boot.cfg
dest: isolinux/ks.cfg
state: present
action: copy
owner: root
group: root
mode: 0444
- src: RHEL/RHEL7x_ks_uefi_boot.cfg
dest: EFI/BOOT/ks.cfg
state: present
action: copy
owner: root
group: root
mode: 0444
- src: RHEL/RHEL77_isolinux.cfg
dest: isolinux/isolinux.cfg
state: present
action: copy
owner: root
group: root
mode: 0444
- src: RHEL/RHEL77_grub.cfg
dest: EFI/BOOT/grub.cfg
state: present
action: copy
owner: root
group: root
mode: 0444
Build files
Build files are specified files used to place within or remove from the ISO.
These files can be almost everything such as:
- Kickstart configuration files
- GRUB bootmenu
- RPM packages
Examples are made available at: docs/example_build_files
Task tags
Tag name | Description |
role_isofactory_tag_verify | Check if required variables are filled. |
role_isofactory_tag_setup_working_dir | Setting up the working area. |
role_isofactory_tag_mount_iso | Mounting the original ISO. |
role_isofactory_tag_copy_iso_contents | Extracting the contents of the original ISO. |
role_isofactory_tag_manage_build_files | Add or remove files into or from the extracted contents of the original ISO. |
role_isofactory_tag_build_iso | Create a new ISO. |
role_isofactory_tag_cleanup | Cleanup the working area. |
Useful shell commands
Additional documentation resources
Testing the role and the ISO
At the moment the role is tested by generating a new ISO and using to install a new VM from scratch.
The generation of the ISO file has been done manually on:
- Ubuntu 18.04.x workstation
- Fedora 30 workstation
- Fedora 31 workstation
- RHEL7 server
Installing a new VM from scratch using the ISO file has been tested on:
- Libvirt
- Red Hat Virtualization
- VMware
This role is linted with:
yamllint . -c yamllint.yml -f auto -s
The following ansible-lint
warnings are expected as there is no idempotency on these tasks:
[301] Commands should not change things if nothing needs doing
Task/Handler: Build ISO file
[301] Commands should not change things if nothing needs doing
Task/Handler: Make ISO bootable
[301] Commands should not change things if nothing needs doing
Task/Handler: Implant checksum
Useful links
- GitHub repository:
- Ansible Galaxy role:
Making a custom ISO image for Enterprise Linux distributions.
ansible-galaxy install Caseraw/ansible_role_isofactory
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