
Portainer Manager

Ansible-role-portainer-manager aims to deploy, configure and manage Portainer ecosystems.


This role requires:

  • Ansible minimum version: 2.10.12
  • Ansible inventory structure: YAML
  • Python Jmespath
    •  pip install jmespath


Tested on:

  • Alpine Linux 3.15
  • Debian 10
  • Ubuntu 20.04
  • RedHat 8
  • CentOS 8

Role Variables

See inventory


  - roles:
    - # none
  - collection:
    - name: community.docker
      version: <= 1.7.0
      source: https://galaxy.ansible.com

OS Bootstrap

Flatcar Container Linux

Because Flatcar Container Linux is delivered on immutable file system, it needs specific customization to work with ansible and wir portainer manager too.

This section is adapted from kubespray's flatcar bootstrap.

Following components are missing on Flatcar:

  • Python 3 (pypy v3.6 or later) (see bootstrap.sh)
  • Python PiP ( see contrib playbook bootstrap-flatcar.yml)
  • Python-Docker (even if docker is already present in system see contrib playbook docker-flatcar.yml)
    • Do not try to install pip using pypy on Flatcar, its fails.
  • Docker-Compose (2.1.1 or later) (see contrib playbook docker-flatcar.yml)
    • Need to be /opt/bin/docker-compose

Note: Because of unexpected side effects locksmithd auto upgrade and reboot service is disabled at this time.

Example Inventory

all: # keys must be unique, i.e. only one 'hosts' per group
      ansible_host: <master_IP|FQDN>
      ansible_user: <ssh_login>
      ansible_ssh_pass: <ssh_password>
      # ansible_ssh_args: '-o StrictHostKeyChecking=no' # Uncomment this line to bypass prompt for ssh key validation, use at your own risk !!!
        docker: # Optional: activates installation without confirmation
            version: 2.9.3 # MANDATORY: digits only
            type: master # MANDATORY: master or docker-slave (portainer_agent)
            address: <IP|FQDN> # Optional: Portainer URL without <http://> and <port>; default <ansible_host>
            port: <digit> # Optional: default 9000
            login: <portainer_admin_login> ## Optional: default: admin
            password: <portainer_admin_password> #default: Test1234
            endpoints: # Optional: Register endpoints after portainer installation
              - Name: master01 # local server where portainer has been deployed
                Type: master # MANDATORY: master or docker-slave (portainer_agent)
                EndpointCreationType: 1
                URL: "unix:///var/run/docker.sock"
                PublicURL: <IP|FQDN> # Optional but recommended to get shortcuts functional in portainer API
              - Name: slave<NN> # remote server which docker API has been opened
                Type: docker-slave # MANDATORY: master or docker-slave (portainer_agent)
                EndpointCreationType: 1
                URL: "tcp://<IP|FQDN>:<port>" # default tcp port is 2375
                PublicURL: <IP|FQDN> # Optional but recommended 
      ansible_host: <master_IP|FQDN>
      ansible_user: <ssh_login>
      ansible_ssh_pass: <ssh_password>
      # ansible_ssh_args: '-o StrictHostKeyChecking=no' # Uncomment this line to bypass prompt for ssh key validation, use at your own risk !!!
        docker: # Optional: activates installation without confirmation
            version: 2.9.3 # MANDATORY: digits only
            type: docker-slave # MANDATORY: master or docker-slave (portainer_agent)
            mode: portainer_agent # MANDATORY: only portanier_agent supported at this time

Example Playbook

After formating and populating your YAML inventory add following inside your playbook.

    - role: ansible-role-portainer-manager
      when: hostvars[inventory_hostname].apps.docker.portainer is defined


Free of use, modify and redistribute.

Distribute with same LICENSE (or less restrictive).

Should probably comes in CC BY-SA for future versions.

Author Information

Jack of all trades master of none.

ansible-galaxy install Doc-Tiebeau/ansible-role-portainer-manager
GitHub repository