
Build Status Ansible Role

TOOCS / Ansible Role: TOOCS.elixir

/!\ This role has been renamed - Old name: FlorianKempenich.erlang-elixir-phoenix /!\

Install Erlang, Elixir, and the Phoenix Framework on Ubuntu/Debian and OSX.


TOOCS - The Opinionated One-Click Setups are a set of tools / ansible roles designed to setup a system in one click. They are a simple, reliable, way to setup a given tool. You can use them as is, or, inspecting their code, as a tutorial to follow step by step.

They are, as their name suggests, opinionated: while they guarantee to setup the given tool in one click, they do not guarantee consistency in how they achieve it, new releases might introduce breaking changes. Read the code and make sure you understand what's happening!


This role is only working on MacOSX & Ubuntu/Debian.

Role Variables

  • erlang_versions

    • List of erlang versions to install with asdf
    • The first from the list will be set as global (default)
    • Only used with asdf installation method, native method will install the latest available version
    • For more info on which version to use, see TOOCS.asdf - Supported Languages
    • Default: []
  • elixir_versions

    • List of elixir version to install with asdf
    • The first from the list will be set as global (default)
    • elixir requires erlang to be installed
    • Only used with asdf installation method, native method will install the latest available version
    • For more info on which version to use, see TOOCS.asdf - Supported Languages
    • Default: [1.7.4]
  • installation_method

  • asdf_skip_shell_setup

  • erlang_repo_package

    • Erlange repo package to use when installing with native method
    • Default: erlang-solutions_1.0_all.deb

Installation Methods

  • asdf

    Prefered and default installation method using the asdf version manager

    The installation and configuration of asdf as well as the erlang/elixir installation is delegated to another TOOCS: TOOCS.asdf.

    Note: Erlang and Elixir being compiled from source, it is normal for the setup to hang on the installation steps.

    Post install - with asdf: Shell configuration

    • If you are using zsh, you're all set! Your shell has been automatically set up during the installation of asdf.

    • If you are NOT using zsh some manual setup is required, see: TOOCS/asdf - Non zsh Users

    • Alternatively, if asdf is already setup on your machine, you might want to skip the asdf automatic shell setup => Set the variable asdf_skip_shell_setup to true

  • native

    Alternative version using installing erlang/elixir as native packages, using apt or homebrew.

Example Playbook

- hosts: localhost
    - include_role:
        name: TOOCS.elixir

# OR

- hosts: localhost
    - include_role:
        name: TOOCS.elixir
          - 21.1.4
          - 1.7.4
          - 1.6.6

# OR

- hosts: localhost
    - include_role:
        name: TOOCS.elixir
        installation_method: "native"



Author Information

Find out more about my work: Florian Kempenich


Deprecated - Role was renamed - Use [FlorianKempenich.toocs_elixir]( instead

ansible-galaxy install FlorianKempenich/ansible-role-erlang-elixir-phoenix
GitHub repository