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What this role does and does not do

This role is designed to automate the deployment of PeerTube instances with ansible.

However, it does not install all the services required by PeerTube. There are a lot of excellent ansible roles to deploy these services, and most ansible users probably use some of them already.

Here's what needs to be installed separately:

  • NodeJS
  • Yarn
  • Nginx
  • PostgreSQL
  • Redis
  • A valid TLS certificate

This role installs PeerTube and configures required services (including Nginx and PostgreSQL), assuming that all dependencies are already correctly installed.

This role works with Debian 11 (bullseye) and 12 (bookworm).

It is designed to deploy PeerTube and not to update it. If you already installed PeerTube and want to update it, it is advised to follow the official PeerTube upgrade instructions before playing a new version of this role.


Version of PeerTube

The version of PeerTube that this role will install is defined in vars/main.yml. It is currently 6.0.2. This variable is not meant to be edited, since it is the only supported version.

Mandatory variables

This role requires some variables specific to the node (the PeerTube instance), for which there are no default values:

For security reasons, it could be useful to encrypt some of these variables with ansible-vault.

Optional variables

All other variables are optional, since they have default values.

Only one variable is not related to PeerTube's configuration itself:

  • peertube_import_key (boolean): set this variable to false if you don't want to reimport the OpenPGP key necessary to verify peertube's zip archive each time the role is played. You'll have to set this variable to true again if this key is modified in any way (because it has expired or is revoked, because the signature has changed, etc.).

The other variables set PeerTube parameters in production.yaml. They are named after this file's YAML structure, prefixed by peertube_. Possible values are (for the most part) commented in templates/production.yaml.j2, and default values can be found in defaults/main.yml.

This role does not support all PeerTube parameters. However, available variables should already cover most deployment needs. If you need to expose more variables in this role, feel free to contribute a merge request ;-)

Please note that two sets of variables have to be consistent with how PostgreSQL and Redis are installed:

PostgreSQL settings

  • peertube_postgresql_hostname
  • peertube_postgresql_port
  • peertube_postgresql_ssl
  • peertube_postgresql_suffix
  • peertube_postgresql_username
  • peertube_postgresql_pool_max

Redis settings

  • peertube_redis_hostname
  • peertube_redis_port

Example playbook

- name: My PeerTube instance
  become: true

    peertube_user_password: MY_LONG_PASSWORD_HASH
    peertube_postgresql_user_passwd: MY_POSTGRESQL_PASSWORD
    peertube_webserver_hostname: MY_DOMAIN.TLD
    peertube_secrets: MY_LONG_SECRET_LINE

    # - nodejs, yarn, nginx, etc.
    - peertube-core


This role is distributed under the terms of the BSD-3-Clause license.


Deploy PeerTube instances with ansible

ansible-galaxy install Ganymede0/ansible_peertube_core
GitHub repository