
Ansible Role: letsencrypt

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First, read Let's Encrypt's TOS and EULA. Only proceed if you agree to them.

Ansible role to Let's Encrypt signed certs.

  • Can use standalone or webroot method to acquire a certificate.
  • Using standalone method, there's an option to copy the certificate to the final location if need be.
  • The Let's Encrypt client will place the certificate and accessories in /etc/letsencrypt/live/<first listed domain>/. For more info, see the Let's Encrypt documentation.


  • Ansible >= 2.1
  • Guest machine: Debian
    • stretch
    • jessie
    • wheezy
  • Guest machine: Ubuntu
    • xenial
    • trusty
    • precise

Possible additional tasks that are not part of this role's responsibilities.

  • Opening the necessary LetsEncrypt ports - 443 through the firewall.
    • If you'd like to use debops.ferm you can use/modify letsencrypt__debops_ferm_dependent_rules (defined in defaults) to pass through to debops.ferm.

Default Variables that can be overridden or used as-is when using this role::

  • letsencrypt_webroot_path: The root path that gets served by your web server. Defaults to /var/www.
  • letsencrypt_email: Email address to be registered with LetsEncrypt - Default=webmaster@{{ansible_domain}}.
  • letsencrypt_rsa_key_size: Allows to specify a size for the generated key - Default=None
  • letsencrypt_cert_domains: A list of domains you wish to get a certificate for - Default={{ansible_fqdn}}.
  • letsencrypt_server: Sets the auth server - Default=None
  • letsencrypt_renewal_command_args: Add arguments to the letsencrypt renewal command that gets run using cron. For example, use the renewal hooks to restart a web server. Default=""
  • letsencrypt_authenticator: webroot or standalone - Default=standalone
  • letsencrypt_standalone_copy_certificate: When standalone, setting this to True will copy over the certificate/key files to a location of your choice. Default=False
  • letsencrypt_expand: Add on expand to the command line argument so as to ensure the certificate expands to any other subdomains that's already being taken care of. Default=True
  • letsencrypt_test_certs: Set to True to grab certificates from LetEncrypt staging certs. Default=True
  • letsencrypt_renewal_frequency: Set the cron job timing.
  • letsencrypt_renewal_dict: : Dictionary of information that'll be set in the renwal ini file.
  • letsencrypt_services_to_shutdown: list of service names that needs to be shutdown before creation of certificates/keys and then started up - Default=None
  • letsencrypt_standalone_public_key_copy_locations_and_filename: A list of locations to copy the public key to - Default=None
  • letsencrypt_standalone_private_key_copy_locations_and_filename: A list of locations to copy the private key to - Default=None
  • letsencrypt_standalone_chain_key_copy_locations_and_filename: A list of locations to copy the chain key to. Default - Default=None
  • letsencrypt_standalone_full_chain_key_copy_locations_and_filename: A list of locations to copy the full chain key to - Default=None
  • letsencrypt__debops_ferm_dependent_rules: Default simple rules to open up port 443 through firewall that can be referenced when using debops.ferm role


  • I've tested this on Debian Jessie and Stretch boxes as well as Ubuntu trusty and xenial boxes using standlone method.
  • I've yet to check if renewal works as expected.
  • Please do try other methods and mention what works and what doesn't.

Generate TLS certificates and get them signed by Let's Encrypt. Standalone and Webroot methods supported

ansible-galaxy install HP41/ansible-letsencrypt
GitHub repository