This ansible role compile dogecoin core on RPI.
I no longer recommend running this on an RPI. The limited RAM causes too many crashes leading to reindex and more crashes. You can build it, but it wouldn't run very well.
This role is dependent upon BerkeleyDB being present. You can compile it and link then set the dogecoind_bdb_prefix variable or just download my role "berkeleydb" from ansible galaxy.
Dogecoind even on absolute minimal settings required some 500+ MB of RAM for a total of slightly over 650MB RAM usage on an RPI. Only use this tool with at least a Pi 3B or Pi 3B+.
I highly recommend you also boot from a USB SSD and have at least 2GB of swap file set up. Compiling this role with j4 on an RPI with 4GB of swap took about 2 hours and swap space usage spiked up to 2GB+ during compile.
Role Variables
This set the j flag during make. Suggest setting this to 4, otherwise it might take a while.
compile_threads: 1
Version in git being checked out.
dogecoind_version: v1.14-beta-1
Local standalone Berkeley DB location.
dogecoind_bdb_prefix: /usr/local/BerkeleyDB.5.1
Default dir for data storage.
dogecoind_datadir: /var/lib/dogecoind
These are the default variables for dogecoind template generation. You can read the dogecoin.conf man file for more.
dogecoind_user: dogecoin
dogecoind_group: dogecoin
dogecoind_testnet: 0
dogecoind_server: 1
dogecoind_txindex: 1
dogecoind_maxconnections: 4
dogecoind_rest: 1
dogecoind_dbcache: 64
dogecoind_disablewallet: 1
dogecoind_maxmempool: 32
dogecoind_par: 4
dogecoind_listen: 0
dogecoind_rpcuser: dogecoinrpc
dogecoind_rpcpassword: dogecoin
- irmoobear.berkeleydb
Example Playbook
Including an example of how to use your role (for instance, with variables passed in as parameters) is always nice for users too:
- hosts: servers
- { role: irmoobear.dogecoind }
sudo service dogecoin start
sudo systemctl start dogecoin
Author Information
An optional section for the role authors to include contact information, or a website (HTML is not allowed).
Compile dogecoin core to run dogecoind service on RPI.
ansible-galaxy install IRMooBear/ansible.dogecoind