
Laniakea Interactive Tools

This role is used to configure Interactive Tools on Galaxy. Currently, it has been tested on Galaxy 21.09.

Role Variables

Galaxy gie-proxy variables

Variable Description Default
gie_proxy List containing variables used by the usegalaxy-eu.gie_proxy role //
dir Directory where the gie-proxy is installed /home/galaxy/galaxy/gie-proxy/proxy
git_version Git reference to clone main
setup_nodejs Whether to install Node.js, options are package and nodeenv nodeenv
virtualenv_command Command to create virtualenv when using nodeenv method /usr/bin/python3 -m virtualenv
nodejs_version Version of Node.js to install if using nodeenv method "16.14.0"
virtualenv Path of virtualenv into which nodeenv/Node.js/npm will be installed /home/galaxy/galaxy/gie-proxy/venv
setup_service Whether to configure the proxy as a service, only option is systemd systemd
sessions_path Path of Interactive Tools sessions map "{{ galaxy_mutable_data_dir }}/interactivetools_map.sqlite"
gie_proxy_port Port where gie-proxy is listening 8000

Galaxy variables

Variable Description Default
laniakea_galaxy_user Name of the user running galaxy galaxy
galaxy_install_path Galaxy base directory /home/galaxy/galaxy
laniakea_galaxy_server_dir Galaxy server directory "{{ galaxy_install_path }}/server"
laniakea_galaxy_config_dir Galaxy config directory "{{ galaxy_install_path }}/config"
laniakea_galaxy_config_file galaxy.yml config file path "{{ laniakea_galaxy_config_dir }}/galaxy.yml"
galaxy_mutable_data_dir Galaxy var direcotry /home/galaxy/galaxy/var
galaxy_tool_conf_interactive_path Path to tool_conf_interactive.xml file "{{ laniakea_galaxy_config_dir }}/tool_conf_interactive.xml"
export_dir Export dir where data and docker images are stored /export
interactive_tools_galaxy_config.galaxy List of key, value pairs added in galaxy.yml //
galaxy_config_templates List containing src and dest for galaxy config templates //

interactive_tools_galaxy_config.galaxy variables

These are the variables stored in the interactive_tools_galaxy_config.galaxy variable, as written in the galaxy.yml config file

Variable Description Default
job_config_file Path to job_conf.xml "{{ laniakea_galaxy_config_dir }}/job_conf.xml"
interactivetools_enable Enables interactive tools true
interactivetools_map Path to interactive tools session map "{{ gie_proxy.sessions_path }}"
galaxy_infrastructure_url Galaxy infrastructure URL "http://{{ inventory_hostname }}/galaxy/"

Nginx variables

Variable Description Default
nginx_conf_dir Path of configurations files for nginx /etc/nginx

Pulsar variables

Variable Description Default
pulsar_config_path Path to pulsar config file "{{ laniakea_galaxy_config_dir }}/pulsar_app.yml"
galaxy_job_working_dir Path to Galaxy job working directory "{{ export_dir }}/galaxy/database/job_working_directory"
galaxy_tool_dependency_dir Galaxy tool_deps directory "{{ export_dir }}/tool_deps"

Interactive tools variables

Variable Description Default
interactive_tools List of interactive tools installed 'bam_iobio','jupyter_notebook','rstudio','vcf_iobio'
interactive_dir Interactive tools config dir "{{ laniakea_galaxy_server_dir }}/tools/interactive"
interactivetool_manager_file manager path "{{ laniakea_galaxy_server_dir }}/lib/galaxy/managers/"
rstudio_interactive_file interactivetool_rstudio.xml path "{{ interactive_dir }}/interactivetool_rstudio.xml"
jupyter_interactive_file interactivetool_jupyter_notebook.xml "{{ interactive_dir }}/interactivetool_jupyter_notebook.xml"
pulsar_kill_util_file pulsar manager path "{{ galaxy_install_path }}/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pulsar/managers/util/"


Required roles:

  • geerlingguy.docker, version 2.6.0
  • usegalaxy_eu.gie_proxy, version 0.0.2

Example Playbook

- name: Galaxy Interactive Tools
  hosts: all
    - role: "/path/to/ansible-role-interactive-tools/"
      become: true


Author Information

Daniele Colombo


Configure Interactive Tools on Galaxy

ansible-galaxy install Laniakea-elixir-it/ansible-role-laniakea-galaxy-interactive-tools
GitHub repository