Ansible Role: ONLYOFFICE Document Server
Installs and configures ONLYOFFICE Document Server on RHEL/CentOS or Debian/Ubuntu servers.
Installation requires PostgreSQL, RabbitMQ and Redis server in the system or network. Also this role requires root access, so either run it in a playbook with a global become: yes
, or invoke the role in your playbook like:
- hosts: documentserver
- role: ONLYOFFICE.documentserver
become: yes
Role Variables
Available variables are listed below, along with default values (see defaults/main.yml
ds_port: ""
The port where documentserver is running, if you do not set this variable, documentserver is will be runned by default on port 80
db_server_host: localhost
The IP address or the name of the host where the PostgreSQL server is running.
db_server_name: onlyoffice
The name of a PostgreSQL database to be created on the image startup.
db_server_user: onlyoffice
The new user name with superuser permissions for the PostgreSQL account.
db_server_pass: onlyoffice
The password set for the PostgreSQL account.
package_name: onlyoffice-documentserver
The package name of the ONLYOFFICE Document Server.
package_state: latest | present
The package state of the ONLYOFFICE Document Server. If set to latest (default), a upgrade will be performed!
redis_server_host: localhost
The IP address or the name of the host where the Redis server is running.
redis_server_port: 6379
The Redis server port number.
rabbitmq_server_host: localhost
The IP address or the name of the host where the RabbitMQ server is running.
rabbitmq_server_user: guest
The new user name for the RabbitMQ account.
rabbitmq_server_pass: guest
The password set for the RabbitMQ account.
rabbitmq_server_vpath: /
The virtual path for the RabbitMQ server.
proto: http
The option to add ssl configuration or not.
jwt_enabled: true
The option for enable or disable JWT token. Enabled by default
jwt_secret: ""
The custom secret set for jwt option. Random value by default
jwt_header: ""
The custom header set for jwt option.
key_file: "~/certs/tls.key"
The path to the key file.
cert_file: "~/certs/tls.crt"
The path to the certificate file.
cluster_mode: false
The option to enable or disable cluster mode.
start_example: false
The option for starting example service after install.
package_url: ""
The option for being able to install the package by URL.
Overwriting config values
The values in the local.json
file can be redefined. To do this, you need to override the necessary values in the vars/main.yml
file in the onlyoffice_local_json: {}
Example Playbook
- hosts: all
become: true
- option: listen_addresses
value: "*"
- option: unix_socket_directories
value: '{{ postgresql_unix_socket_directories | join(",") }}'
- option: log_directory
value: 'log'
- type: local
database: all
user: postgres
auth_method: peer
- type: local
database: all
user: all
auth_method: peer
- type: host
database: all
user: all
auth_method: md5
- type: host
database: all
user: all
address: ::1/128
auth_method: md5
- type: host
database: all
user: all
auth_method: md5
- name: "{{ db_server_name }}"
- name: "{{ db_server_user }}"
password: "{{ db_server_pass }}"
- user: "{{ rabbitmq_server_user }}"
password: "{{ rabbitmq_server_pass }}"
vhost: "{{ rabbitmq_server_vpath }}"
configure_priv: .*
read_priv: .*
write_priv: .*
tags: administrator
rabbitmq_users_remove: []
- geerlingguy.postgresql
- ONLYOFFICE.rabbitmq
- geerlingguy.redis
- ONLYOFFICE.documentserver
Author Information
This role was created by ONLYOFFICE.
ONLYOFFICE Docs is a free online office suite comprising viewers and editors for texts, spreadsheets, presentations, forms, and PDF files, fully compatible with Office Open XML formats: .docx, .xlsx, .pptx and enabling collaborative editing in real time.
ansible-galaxy install ONLYOFFICE.documentserver