
VPC role for Open Telekom Cloud

An Ansible role to create a VPC for the Open Telekom Cloud with a network and a subnet.

About VPCs

A VPC (virtual private cloud) is an abstraction of an independent networking namespace in the Open Telekom Cloud. In general, it consists of an IP address space that is divided into smaller subnets and that is connected via a router to other networks, most importantly the Internet. It is possible to create several VPCs within one domain or project.


It is required to have openstacksdk installed on the execution host. Valid credentials to connect to the Open Telekom Cloud need to be in place. This role is compatible with any Ansible version. If openstacksdk has a version before 0.15, enable_snat will be disabled and there is no possibility to re-enable it from Ansible (only CLI or UI).


Role can be installed from Ansible Galaxy by issuing command:

ansible-galaxy install opentelekomcloud.vpc

Role Variables

Available variables are listed below along with default values (see defaults/main.yml):

# Use prefix for resource naming (when using default naming constructions)
prefix: test-

# Define router name to be used:
router_name: "{{ (prefix + router_name_suffix) }}"

# Network name:
network_name: "{{ (prefix + network_name_suffix) }}"

# Subnet name:
subnet_name: "{{ (prefix + subnet_name_suffix) }}"

# Default subnet CIDR
subnet_cidr: ""

# Default DNS servers:
subnet_dns_servers: "{{ ['', ''] }}"

# State (`present` for creation, `absent` for deletion)
state: present

Example Playbook

Including an example of how to use your role (for instance, with variables passed in as parameters) is always nice for users, too:

- hosts: localhost
     - opentelekomcloud.vpc

Cleanup of the VPC is as easy as its creation. For that a variable 'state': 'absent' should be passed:

- hosts: localhost
    - { role: opentelekomcloud.vpc, state: 'absent'}

Extended example showing the usage of different variables:

- hosts: localhost
    router_name: 'my_router'
    network_name: 'my_network'
    subnet_name: 'my_subnet'
    subnet_cidr: ''
    subnet_dns_servers: "['', '']"
    enable_snat: false
    - { role: opentelekomcloud.vpc, state: 'present' }



Author Information

Ecosystem Squad at Open Telekom Cloud TBD@telekom.com


Manage a router with net and subnet (VPC in OTC terms)

ansible-galaxy install OpenTelekomCloud/ansible-role-otc-vpc
GitHub repository
Some projects related to OpenTelekomCloud. Blueprints and whitepapers can be found at github.com/opentelekomcloud-blueprints