Ansible Role: dnsdist
An Ansible role create by the folks behind PowerDNS to set up dnsdist.
An Ansible 2.9 or higher installation.
Role Variables
Available variables are listed below, along with default values (see defaults/main.yml
dnsdist_install_repo: ""
By default, dnsdist is installed from the software repositories configured on the target hosts.
# Install dnsdist from the master branch
- hosts: dnsdist
- { role: PowerDNS.dnsdist,
dnsdist_install_repo: "{{ dnsdist_powerdns_repo_master }}"
# Install dnsdist 1.3.x
- hosts: dnsdist
- { role: PowerDNS.dnsdist,
dnsdist_install_repo: "{{ dnsdist_powerdns_repo_13 }}"
The examples above, show how to install DNSdist from the official PowerDNS repositories
(see the complete list of pre-defined repos in vars/main.yml
- hosts: all
name: "dnsdist" # the repository name
apt_repo_origin: "example.com" # used to pin dnsdist to the provided repository
apt_repo: "deb http://example.com/{{ ansible_distribution | lower }} {{ ansible_distribution_release | lower }}/dnsdist main"
gpg_key: "http://example.com/MYREPOGPGPUBKEY.asc" # repository public GPG key
gpg_key_id: "MYREPOGPGPUBKEYID" # to avoid to reimport the key each time the role is executed
yum_repo_baseurl: "http://example.com/centos/$basearch/$releasever/dnsdist"
yum_debug_symbols_repo_baseurl: "http://example.com/centos/$basearch/$releasever/dnsdist/debug"
- { role: PowerDNS.dnsdist }
It is also possible to install dnsdist from custom repositories as demonstrated in the example above.
dnsdist_install_epel: True
By default, install EPEL to satisfy some DNSdist dependencies like lidsodium
To skip the installation of EPEL set the dnsdist_install_epel
variable to False
dnsdist_package_name: "{{ default_dnsdist_package_name }}"
The name of the dnsdist package: "dnsdist" on both RHEL and Debian derivates distributions.
dnsdist_package_version: ""
Optionally, allow to set a specific version of the dnsdist package to be installed.
dnsdist_install_debug_symbols_package: False
Install dnsdist debug symbols package.
dnsdist_debug_symbols_package_name: "{{ default_dnsdist_debug_symbols_package_name }}"
The name of the dnsdist debug symbols package to be installed when dnsdist_install_debug_symbols_package
is True
dnsdist_acls: []
Configures the dnsdist ACLS (netmasks).
dnsdist_locals: ['']
Configure dnsdist's listen addresses.
- ''
- "{ address='', source='', order=1 }"
The list of IP addresses of the downstream DNS servers dnsdist should be send traffic to OR of Lua tables that the newServer function ( https://dnsdist.org/reference/config.html#newServer ) can parse.
dnsdist_carbonserver: ""
The IP address of the Carbon server that should receive dnsdist metrics.
dnsdist_controlsocket: ""
The listen IP address of the dnsdist's TCP control socket.
dnsdist_setkey: ""
Encryption key for the dnsdist's TCP control socket. If it is empty, a random key will be generated. If a key is already present in the file, it will be kept.
dnsdist_webserver_address: ""
The listen IP address of the built-in webserver, empty thus disable by default.
dnsdist_webserver_password: ""
The authentication credentials for the built-in webserver. Must be set when dnsdist_webserver_address
is set.
dnsdist_webserver_apikey: ""
The authentication credentials for the built-in API.
dnsdist_webserver_acl: ""
Since 1.5.0, only connections from and ::1 are allowed by default. See https://dnsdist.org/guides/webserver.html for more information.
dnsdist_config: ""
Additional dnsdist configuration to be injected verbatim in the dnsdist.conf
dnsdist_config_owner: 'root'
dnsdist_config_group: 'root'
User and Group that own the dnsdist.conf
dnsdist_service_overrides: {}
Dict with overrides for the service (systemd only).
This can be used to change any systemd settings in the [Service]
dnsdist_unit_overrides: {}
Dict with overrides for the service unit (systemd only).
This can be used to change any systemd settings in the [Unit]
dnsdist_environment_overrides: {}
Dict with overrides for the service environments (systemd only).
This can be used to change any environment variables in systemd settings in the [Service]
dnsdist_service_state: "started"
dnsdist_service_enabled: "yes"
Allow to specify the desired state of the DNSdist service. E.g. This allows to install and configure DNSdist without automatically starting the service.
dnsdist_disable_handlers: False
Disable automated service restart on configuration changes.
dnsdist_tlslocals: []
Configures DNS over TLS listeners. The entries are copied verbatim entry-by-entry.
dnsdist_force_reinstall: False
Force reinstall of dnsdist packages by performing a removal prior to the package installation steps. Intended for usage where a downgrade of dnsdist needs to be performed.
Example Playbook
Deploy dnsdist in front of Quad9 and enable the web monitoring interface
- hosts: dnsdist
- { role: PowerDNS.dnsdist,
dnsdist_servers: [''],
dnsdist_webserver_address: "{{ ansible_default_ipv4['address'] }}:8083",
dnsdist_webserver_password: 'geheim' }
A detailed changelog of all the changes applied to the role is available here.
Tests are performed by Molecule.
$ pip install tox
To test all the scenarios run
$ tox
To run a custom molecule command
$ tox -e ansible29 -- molecule test -s dnsdist-18
Dnsdist is a highly scriptable and DDoS aware DNS loadbalancer
ansible-galaxy install PowerDNS/dnsdist-ansible