
Ansible Role: Apache Solr

Build Status

Installs Apache Solr 5+ on Ubuntu LTS.

What is so special about this Apache Solr role

  • Fast downloads: tries to download Solr from the closest mirror (works for latest releases only), fallback to archive
  • Verification of the integrity of the files
  • Supports Ubuntu 16.04, 18.04 and 20.04 only
  • Testing with Molecule 3


Local host (control machine)

This role uses the following Ansible modules, which has specific requirements for the local host (i.e. control machine):

  • synchronize: copy core configuration to the Solr data directory. This module is a wrapper around rsync, so rsync must be installed on both the local and remote host
  • xml: parse response from Solr Admin API. This module requires lxml >= 2.3.0 on the local host. See installation instructions here:

Remote host (target machine)

  • Java must be installed on the target machine (Solr is Java-based app). role can be used for this.

This role relies on a set of tools/utilities/commands that must be available on the remote host. They will be automatically installed:

  • curl and sed: determine the closest available Apache Solr mirror
  • gpg: verify signature of downloaded Solr archive
  • tar: unpack downloaded Solr archive
  • rsync: synchronize core configuration
  • lsof: recommended for more stable start/stop of Solr

Role Variables

Available variables are listed below, along with default values (see defaults/main.yml):

Solr user and group. Defaults to solr:solr.

solr_user: solr
solr_group: "{{ solr_user }}"

Solr version to install. Minimum supported version is 5.0.0.

solr_version: 7.7.3

Port Solr should bind to.

solr_port: 8983

Directory Solr archive will be downloaded to.

solr_download_dir: /tmp

Directory Solr will be installed to.

solr_install_dir: /opt

Data directory for Solr configuration and cores.

solr_data_dir: /var/solr

Whether to remove downloaded archive and extracted files after the installation.

solr_cleanup_downloads: true

Whether to remove downloaded GPG keys file and .asc signature file after the installation.

solr_cleanup_gpg: true

List of Solr cores to configure. Possible keys:

  • name: Solr core name
  • conf_path: (optional) System path to a directory with core configuration on a remote host. If omitted, default Solr core configuration will be used
solr_cores: []

Example (do not forget to remove square brackets):

  - name: main
  - name: extra
    conf_path: /var/www/project/config/solr

Example Playbook

- hosts: all
    - t2l.solr



Author Information

This role was created in 2017-2021 by Roman Paska.


Changelog can be found here


Upgrade instructions can be found here

ansible-galaxy install T2L/ansible-role-solr
GitHub repository