
AADL Catalog Stations

Build Status

This repository contains basic configuration and policies for running our chrome-based catalog kiosks.

About the platform

  • Ubuntu server w/ minimal window manager
  • Chrome in incognito mode w/ various policies
  • Ansible for config management

Using the code

  • While the ansible playbook will be pretty specific to our needs (sites allowed, homepage, etc), it should be easily modified to other places.

Testing with Vagrant

A vagrant file is provided to try out the configuration. You will need:

  • Vagrant installation with Virtualbox
  • Ansible

To try it out:

  • Clone the repository and do a vagrant up
  • Once the box is installed and provisioned do a vagrant reload to reboot the VM and boot with all the changes


If you use these stations please feel free to open an issue with suggestions or areas for improvement.

Note the following: At this time the stations will remain locked down to research based sites. There may be a time in the future where it is something closer to a short timed email / online workstation setup but with current demand we are sticking with resources only for now.


Catalog Computer Kiosks

ansible-galaxy install aadl/catalog-stations
GitHub repository