
Ansible Java Role


This is an Ansible role to install Oracle/OpenJDK Java on several GNU/Linux systems.

Supported Systems

  • Debian
  • Ubuntu
  • RedHat
  • CentOS
  • FreeBSD


  • Ansible 1.9 or higher (can be easily installed via pip. E.g: sudo pip install ansible==1.9.2)
  • Vagrant 1.7 or higher
  • sshpass package which is needed by Ansible if you are using SSH authentication by password. On Ubuntu/Debian: $ sudo apt-get install sshpass
  • Virtualbox
  • Oh-my-box tool, optional, if you want to quickly provision and package a Vagrant base box with Ansible and Ruby pre-installed.

Role Variables

Available variables are listed below, along with default values:

  • java_jdk_type - The Java Development Toolkit type should be oracle or openjdk (default: 'openjdk')
  • java_version - The Java version to install (default: '8')
  • java_package - The Java JDK package name to install (default: None)
  • java_set_as_default - If true, it sets the currently installed Java as system default version (default: false)
  • oracle_jdk_rpm_package - The rpm package name to install oracle jdk on Redhat (default: 'jdk-8u144-linux-x64.rpm')
  • oracle_jdk_rpm_url - The download url of the oracle jdk rpm package (default: '')
  • rpm_download_directory - The absolute path to a temporary directory where the package will be downloaded to (default: '/var/cache/yum/x86_64/7/extras/packages')

Available tags

  • install-java - Default tag to perform Java JDK installation.


Install OpenJDK 8 (openjdk default version)

- hosts: localhost
  sudo: yes
    - ansible-java

Install Oracle JDK 8 (oracle jdk default version)

- hosts: localhost
  sudo: yes
    - { role: ansible-java, java_jdk_type: 'oracle' }

Install OpenJDK 7 (on Debian and set it as default)

- hosts: localhost
  sudo: yes
    - role: ansible-java
      java_version: 7
      java_package: 'openjdk-7-jdk'
      java_set_as_default: true

Install Oracle JDK 7 (on Redhat and set it as default)

- hosts: localhost
  sudo: yes
    - role: ansible-java
      java_jdk_type: 'oracle'
      java_version: 7
      oracle_jdk_rpm_package: 'jdk-7u79-linux-x64.rpm'
      oracle_jdk_rpm_url: ''
      java_set_as_default: true

Development and testing

Test with Vagrant

For quick tests, you can spinup a Debian VM using Vagrant. You maybe need to adapt the Vagrantfile to suit your environment (IP addresses, etc).

$ vagrant up

Run acceptance tests

Acceptance/Integration tests could be run against the role using the magic test-kitchen tool. All the written acceptance tests are in the ./test/integration/ directory.

The .kitchen.yml file discribes the testing configuration and the list of tests suite to run. By default, your instances will be converged with Ansible and run in Vagrant virtual machines.

To list the instances:

$ kitchen list

Instance                            Driver   Provisioner      Verifier  Transport  Last Action
default-debian-8-x64                Vagrant  AnsiblePlaybook  Busser    Ssh        <Not Created>
override-java-version-debian-8-x64  Vagrant  AnsiblePlaybook  Busser    Ssh        <Not Created>
install-oracle-jdk-debian-8-x64     Vagrant  AnsiblePlaybook  Busser    Ssh        <Not Created>

To run the tests with the suite override-java-version on a Debian 8 platform, for instance, run the following:

$ kitchen test override-java-version-debian-8-x64


This role was created by Ahmed Bessifi, a DevOps enthusiast.


Java for GNU/Linux systems

ansible-galaxy install abessifi/ansible-java
GitHub repository
I’m a tech enthusiast who breathes code and loves creating beautiful software. I’m an active contributor to opensource projects and maintain a few of my own.